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Identify a current problem that is plaguing a community and suggest ways that the criminal justice system could address that problem using concepts studied in this and other criminal justice courses.

  • In this essay, the writer will identify a current problem that is plaguing a community and suggest ways that the criminal justice system could address that problem using concepts studied in this and other criminal justice courses. For example, let’s say that a community is having difficulty with juvenile congregating in public gathering areas and they have engaged in disorderly behavior that has become criminal at times. Police officers have responded to calls for service at the locations of the offenses and made appropriate arrest, yet the problems seem to persist. Juvenile, or family, court has released most offenders back to the custody of their parents or guardians but some more serious offenders have been incarcerated at juveniles’ detention facilities. Using material learned in this course, what suggestions might you offer to the criminal justice professionals and the community to address this problem?
    You may be aware of a community problem, whether it is something affecting a neighborhood or an entire city. The scope of the problem does not matter for purposes of this paper. Find out as much as you can about the problem (who is involved, what are the actions of the offender, what is police agency doing about the problem, what is the court doing about the problem, what is the correctional system doing about the problem, what is the community doing about the problem, etc) and then develop a creative approach to addressing the problem. If you cannot identify a current problem or issue, you may be creative and write a scenario of your own.
    Introduction – 20 points
    Essay contains a clear introduction of the problem to be discussed and a brief overview as to what information will follow
    Supporting Documentation – 100 points
    Is the problem described well?
    Is the scope of problem described?
    Are the “players” in the problem identified and their roles described?
    What are some of the elements present hat may be feeding the problem?
    Are potential courses of action discussed? Why were those selected?
    How is the problem currently being handled? By whom? What is the success rate?
    What is the relationship between the formal CJ elements and the community?
    These questions are not all inclusive, so there could certainly be other topics discussed in this section.
    Clear, T.R., Hamilton, J.R., Jr., & Cadora, E. (2010). Community justice, 2nd ed., London:Routledge
    ISBN: 978-0-415-78027-8
    Conclusion/Recommendation – 50 points
    Essay contains a clear suggested course of action to address the problem identified in the Introduction. Action steps should be based upon information discussed in this class.
    Potential problems or consequences of the suggested action, if any, should also be discussed. You have to use at least 2 sources in addition to the textbook.
    Writing Mechanics – 30 points
    Essay contains a title page and bibliography
    Proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation (proofread and use spellcheck!)
    APA format for citations and bibliography
    Appropriate length (Title page does not count in total pages for the paper)
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