- Investigate the business professional etiquette of another country by accessing the Executive Planet-
As a result of completing this assignment, students will develop an awareness of professional etiquette expected with respect to meeting and greeting, conversation. As a result of completing this assignment, students will develop an awareness of professional etiquette expected with respect to meeting and greeting, conversation, professional dress and dining manners when conducting business in another country. Students will gain an understanding by comparing and contrasting practices to those found in the United States. Assignment: 1. Investigate the business professional etiquette of another country by accessing the ExecutivePlanet.com website. Using Complete sentences compose 5 etiquette tips unique to the selected country. Paraphrase information. DO NOT copy text verbatim from the web. Explain how the practices are both similar and different to those in the United States. 3. Post your answers in the section provided in the assignment link. SEPARATE ATTACHMENTS WILL NOT BE GRADED. 4. List and number each tip, single-spacing each tip and double-spacing between. Students will gain an understanding by comparing and contrasting practices to those found in the United States. Assignment: 1. Investigate the business professional etiquette of another country by accessing the ExecutivePlanet.com website. Using Complete sentences compose 5 etiquette tips unique to the selected country. Paraphrase information. DO NOT copy text verbatim from the web. Explain how the practices are both similar and different to those in the United States. 3. Post your answers in the section provided in the assignment lin