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What is the central point (thesis) of the piece? Does the author provide evidence for his opinion? If so, cite an areas where evidence is used to support the main argument.

For this discussion, complete one main post (1A and 1B). Post #1A After reading the two selection listed below, answer the following questions. (minimum 250 words) What is the central point (thesis) of the piece? Does the author provide evidence for his opinion?  If so, cite an areas where evidence is used to support the main argument. Is the counterargument presented? Cite an area where the opposing view is addressed.Reading Options: (Will attach pictures of the reading) Andrew Leonard’s “Black Friday: Consumerism Minus Civilization?” p. 164(textbook being used: Bullock, R. &amp; Noggin, M.D. (2016). The Norton Field Guide to Writing with Readings (4th ed.) ISBN: 9780393632354) Also, Watch Video Alternative Math | Short Film User: n/a – Added: 9/19/17 YouTube URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zh3Yz3PiXZw<br>Post #1B After watching the video, “Alternative Math” answer the following questions: What is the writer/director’s goal in making this film? What is the tone of the piece?  Who do think is the intended audience? Describe your reaction to the piece.  Not whether you liked it or not, but whether you agree or disagree with the premise. Does it have any relationship to current affairs? If so how? How do you know if a source is reliable? Requirements: All posts should include word count.Posts discussing written texts should include quotes with SPA in-text citation and reference.


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