Each response should consist of at least 2-3 paragraphs expressing your ideas in the 250-350 word range.Read the attached document “The Deeds of the Divine Augustus”and discuss the following questions:1.What was the significance of Augustus’ rule? In the long run, did he help or hurt the Roman Empire? Please provide specific examples.2.Which of the qualities of emperor Augustus as a ruler would you like to find in an American president? Please provide specific examples.3.Imagine that you are a Roman citizen living during the Pa Ramona. How would you feel about your Empire? Please provide specific examples.
•Formulate a definition of site-based management, but in a different form. I want you to define it for children, (Middle School Students Age 11-14) Site-based management is a topic that I believe more people need to understand, and that understanding should start early.Write a paper describing how you would define this idea for the kids.What you will have to demonstrate is that the children will clearly have the opportunity to understand what site-based management really is.