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Mention the support you expect from each of the stakeholders and their influence on the organization. Discuss your plan for building greater support among those with the most influence. Who are the supporters and who are the challengers to implementing the project?

BSBHRM602 Manage human resources strategic planning
Assessment # 1 Assessment Type Project Due Date
Assessment Conditions

This is an assessment that may be worked on in study time and as homework.

Assessment presentation should be completed in a manner that is appropriate to professional business reporting.

All sections and requirements of the assessment task must be included.

Feedback may be sought prior to submission.

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The above named student, confirm that by submitting, or causing the attached assignment/s to be submitted, to Lonsdale Institute Pty Ltd, I have not plagiarised any other person’s work in this assignment and except where appropriately acknowledged, this assignment is my own work, has been expressed in my own words, and has not previously been submitted for assessment. I do understand and accept the consequences of academic misconduct according to Lonsdale’s Policies and Procedures.


Lonsdale Fitness requires you to act as the General Manager of Human Resources and develop a strategic human resources plan for the CEO and Board of Directors to approve.  The Melbourne franchise of Lonsdale Fitness is expected to have an increase in members and the current numbers of staff will be unable to provide full services to their new clients.


The considerations for this include:


  • Membership $73 per month
  • 120 new members signed up last month – all want personal trainers
  • Group exercise will be 3 groups of 18 clients 3 sessions per week, (9 sessions)
  • the remaining new clients want one on one personal training 3 sessions per week @ 1 hour per session
  • all your current personal trainers are booked out every week and can’t take on anymore clients
  • currently there are the following staff:

– 2 full time receptionists/administration

– 7 full time personal trainers

– 3 part time personal trainers

– 1 full time accounts manager

– 1 full time training coordinator

Assessment Task

Based on the information given to you above you are required to complete to following:

The minimum educational qualification currently necessary for all trainers is the Cert III in Fitness Instructing and all trainers must hold this to continue to work as a trainer of classes and individual clients.

STAGE 1: Strategic Human Resources Action Plan
See template below
STAGE 2: Implementation Strategies for Achieving Objectives
See template below
STAGE 3: Plan
See template below and Your plan must include at least 5 or all of the following:

·         Human resources information system and Communication

·         Staff Induction

·         Fair Work Australia, Legislations & Regulations

·         Job analysis and design

·         Workplace health and safety

·         Performance management

·         Professional development

·         Recruitment and selection

·         Remuneration

·         Staff retention and succession planning

STAGE 1: Strategic Human Resources Action Plan
Plan type: <insert what plan is for>
Current: <insert month & year>
Issues Comments – the current situation and issues which needs to be resolved
1  <eg. The business has relocated, is well resourced but at an awkward phase in its development – risks need to be taken for growth to be achieved – need additional staff to grow the business further>







Objectives Measures of Performance – KPI’s
1 Insert into this section the objectives which you would like to achieve based on the issues listed above


Insert into this section the measurements which will be used to assess whether the objectives have been successfully achieved
2 <eg. Need another admin support person > <eg.decrease on response time for customers and potential customers enquires – 2 hours reponse time>
3 <eg. Need a full time sales resource > <eg. Increase by 10% new members signed each week>
STAGE 2: Implementation Strategies for Achieving Objectives
Strategies Step by Step Plan
Insert into here each of the objectives which you listed above a.     Break down each objective into clear and ordered steps which need to be taken to achieve the objective that you have set.
Eg. Release Managing Director from admin work a.     Complete a plan to identify what tasks should be completed by an administration support person – document these
b.    Produce Job Description and Personnel Description for new employee
c.     Build a performance criteria to improve the work standard every month to cover all overheads and accelerate growth
d.    Begin recruitment process
STAGE 3: Plan (minimum 5 or all of the following)
Plan Step by Step Plan Due Date Name
Human resources information system and Communication


a. Insert here the date by which each step should be completed Insert here the person(s) responsible for completing each step
Staff Induction


Fair Work Australia, Legislations & Regulations a.
Job analysis and design


Workplace health and safety


Performance management


a. Insert here the person(s) responsible for completing each step
Professional development


Recruitment and selection




Staff retention and succession planning


Lonsdale Fitness went through a rapid expansion and all franchises were left to function as independent units.  Lonsdale Fitness wants to increase client satisfaction and has now decided to standardise the way in which the franchises operate.  Complaints received from clients have initiated this change.

o   This is what is intended – same systems developed and used in head office, same customer service techniques, same fitness classes and changed monthly

The CEO and Board are very keen but are also expecting resistance from some personal trainers who believe they create better routines than head office.  No one is aware of the impending changes.

You are being given the responsibility of developing a detailed organisational development plan  which will clearly address what is needed to be developed, how and why the development will occur


Assessment Task
STAGE 1 – SWOT analysis

Identify and list the key elements in each quadrant. Get these down on paper as the first step.


Internal: Strengths & Weaknesses: The top two sections (STRENGTHS and WEAKENESSES) both originate internally. These are things that you can control. Strengths are helpful; Weaknesses are harmful.

External: Opportunities & Threats: The lower two sections (OPPORTUNITIES and THREATS) both originate externally. These are things that you cannot control. Opportunities are helpful; Threats are harmful.


STAGE 2 – Organisational Development Plan – (use layout/format below)



Project Name

Prepared By




This is where you discuss the reasons, advantages and disadvantages of the current situation:

  • Discuss the factors that have shown that the change is needed.
  • Discuss the advantages of this organizational development and the need for clear planning
  • Discuss briefly how resistance and reluctance to change will be managed.



(This section can be brief. It provides an overview of the topics that will be covered in the main body of the plan.)


  1. Stakeholder Management


Who will be affected by the business changes?

Mention the support you expect from each of the stakeholders and their influence on the organisation. Discuss your plan for building greater support among those with the most influence. Who are the supporters and who are the challengers to implementing the project?

Mention how much the stakeholders’ currently know about the project and plan. How much do you want them to know? How will you engage stakeholders to be willingly involved and support the change?

(This information could be written in an essay or report format or placed in a table such as …)


Stakeholders (At least 3) Awareness


Degree of Support or Challenge Influence


Plan for greater support


  1. Communication


Without accurate and on time information shared amongst involved stakeholders, confusion, resistance and frustration will prevail. How will you invite open feedback and then respond constructively?

Describe stakeholder groups (should be the same list as previous topic) Develop a communication plan that specifies who will get:


  • What information?
  • At what time?
  • In what format(s)?
  • Means of delivery and recording?



(At least 3)

What? When? Format Means of delivery and recording


  1. Training


The education plan is the basis for the training activities. It needs to be tailored to the needs of the user, well understood and effective. Discuss how you will:

  1. Learn and understand the training needs of each stakeholder group
  2. Develop training activities?

III. Deliver content by the appropriate method?


  1. Stakeholder Objectives


From what you identified earlier you are aware of what is important to the stakeholders and are now able to answer questions and gain support

Serious concerns or misunderstandings must be responded to promptly if you are to convince concerned stakeholders the project is in their best interest. State how you would respond to these concerns. Example: (One on one or group meetings, before and after comparisons and costing).

(This information could be written in an essay or report format or placed in a table such as…)

Stakeholder Groups

(At least 3)

Known Concerns

(Suspected basis for resistance – if any)

Response to concerns

Plan to make senior management commitment to the project visible to all. List the supporting actions they could take to display this commitment

Management positions Proposed Supporting Actions



The key to organizational development is effective and strategic communication. Talk to stakeholders to discover what they require, then design an effective Communication and Training Plan.

Your Plan must:


  • Identify stakeholders
  • Identify the best format and means of communication to each stakeholder.
  • Identify skills gaps 
  • Describes the purpose
  • Identify timing, location and attendees.
  • Describe preparation, if necessary, to put each communication & training item in place and what to do to keep all stakeholders well informed.
Communication and Training Strategy Stakeholder Target Skill required/exists Timing Purpose Method

Provide the Organization with Information Necessary to Prepare for Upcoming Changes

Look at the departments within the organization and list the changes to policies and procedures that will need to be made.


(At least 3)

Existing policy Change to policy Timing:

Urgent Medium Low

Purpose Training or information required


Develop a Risk Response Plan for Organizational Change. Identify all sources of uncertainty in this Organizational Change project, Uncover and maximize opportunities to promote the change, prioritize threats and develop response plans for those that pose true risk to the project.

Choose five examples from the bullet points below and explain how you would deal with these 5 organizational risks:


  • Insufficient workforce data limiting the ability to plan fully and effectively
  • Reputation risk associated with the quality and quantity of staff
  • Workforce not reflecting diversity
  • Inefficient, ineffective management of human resources
  • A workforce that is inflexible and does not have the necessary capabilities to
  • deliver future services necessary for the organization to achieve its goals
  • An inability to attract and retain high quality staff
  • Learning and development resources being allocated to activities which do not
  • support the strategic goals of the organization
  • Inability to meet community and/or government expectations regarding provision
  • of services
  • Inability to adapt to new or changing conditions
  • Inability to match staff with changing work requirements
  • Lack of induction for new staff,

Create a team who are responsible for identifying changes to the workload and planning issues in relation to the workforce.

Use the four bullet points below and explain what is expected to be achieved:

  • What means of communication will you use to inform those who will be affected by the new system.
  • What type of response plan communication will there be and why are you undertaking it?
  • How have you arranged for potential users to be able to provide feedback, ask questions, etc?
  • What process will you provide that allows specific groups to request modifications to the existing project plan?
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