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Identify and explain the structure and basic functions of the tissues, glands, and membranes of the human body.

SCIE2001 Assessment 2 Brief 100418.Docx Page 1 of 6
ASSESSMENT BRIEF Subject Code and Title
SCIE2001: Anatomy and Physiology 1 Assessment
Assessment 2: Wiki Individual/Group
Individual Length
1500 +/- 10% words Learning Outcomes
1. Identify and explain the structure and basic functions of the tissues, glands, and membranes of the human body.
2. Describe and discuss the concept of homeostatic mechanisms within the human body and systems integration.
3. Identify and describe the major components and explain the structure and function of the integumentary, muscular and skeletal systems, including the control of human movement.
4. Identify and describe the major components and explain the structure, function and homeostatic mechanisms of the lymphatic, cardiovascular, circulatory an respiratory systems. Submission
By 11:55pm AEST Sunday of Week 10 Weighting
55% Total Marks
32 marks
Prepare a wiki based on any one concept from Anatomy and Physiology 1 SCIE2001 from weeks 1 to 9. Comment on two other students’ wiki posts.
Choose a concept from weeks 1 to 9 content that you wish to clarify. Identify two different media learning sources which cover the concept and analyze the quality and usefulness of each media source.
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This assessment aims to develop your:
i) ability to critically analyze the quality, credibility and reliability of a media source
ii) reflect on your own learning processes in the context of the media and learning outcomes
iii) knowledge and understanding of the concept and
iv) skills in academic writing
1. The two media source could be from another textbook, a journal article, a magazine, website, video clip or any other sources, which help to clarify the concept.
2. In the wiki the following points must be addressed:
 Introduction to the concept
 an explanation of what you found confusing or challenging about the concept
 discussion on the usefulness and quality of the media sources in the context of what you learnt
 commentary on the aspects of the media, which helped you, gain a deeper understanding of the concept (or not).
 the advantages and disadvantages of the media source in relation to the learning outcome.
3. Uploaded your wiki through the submission link entitled Assessment 2-Online wiki Report on in the discussion forum on blackboard. For all queries around the upload of your presentation, please contact the Learning Portal Coordinator.
4. Students are also expected to review and comment on a minimum of two other student posts. Click under the wiki post to upload your comment. Do not start a new thread.
 The chosen concept must be from the subject material. Ideally, it should relate more to physiology content rather than anatomy.
 The two media source must be different (i.e. a video clip and a different textbook) from one another. For example, not two different textbooks.
 You cannot use your prescribed textbook as one of the sources.
 Hyperlinks to each media sources need to be provided (exception hard copy textbook).
 The wiki is 1000 +/- 10% words for both sources (500 words per media source).
 Review of two other student’s wiki reports is 300-400 words (150-200 words per student wiki).
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 Comments on other students post must be constructive and respectful.
 A reference list and in-text citations must be included in the wiki report. Referencing must be done in accordance with the Academic Writing Guide (refer to http://library.laureate.net.au/apa for the guide).
Recommended: These are guideline only to assist you in planning this assessment.
 Write your wiki in a word document then cut and paste into notepad. Cut and paste from notepad into the thread in the assessment 2 forum. This is to preserve the formatting.
 Please allow time to format your work in case some is lost.
 Post your wiki as early as possible for others to read and comment.
Students should also refer to the attached Wiki Marking Rubric Document.
For any questions related to the content for this assessment, please refer to your lecturer.
For assistance with structure, language, referencing, presentation skills please contact your campus Academic Skills Facilitator.
For any questions uploading your presentation, contact your campus learning portal co-ordinator.
These supports can be contacted at http://library.laureate.net.au/learningsupport
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Student Name : Needs Work 0-1 mark Good 1.5 – 2 marks Excellent 2.5 – 3 marks CONTENT (Total = 9 marks) Introduction including description of chosen topic concept and identification of the part that needs clarification (3 marks) Introduction is too brief. Background information either not provided or irrelevant. The aspect/s of the topic requiring clarification are not clearly stated. Includes relevant background material. Clearly defines the topic. Subject knowledge appear to be good and aspect/s of topic requiring clarification are clearly stated. Introduction provides appropriate and detailed background information. Subject knowledge is excellent. The aspect/s of the topic requiring clarification are clearly stated. Justification for choosing the topic is also provided. Description of chosen media (3 marks) Media is not described at all or a link or heading is given. Brief description of media covering the features and content. A thorough description of media in relation to the features and content. Variety of media chosen and topic selection (3 marks) Course textbook or the same media source has been used. The chosen topic was covered in the course material Related media source has been use i.e. an online form of course textbook. The topic was not covered in the course material and or general topic was covered but not the aspect. Two different media sources have been used.
QUALITY OF CONTENT (Total = 9 marks)
Sources need to be assessed & discussed here with major focus on the new information learnt
Advantages & disadvantages of media analyzed (3 marks)
No analysis or incomplete analysis of both sources in relation to the media features and or learning outcomes.
Complete analysis of both sources relating the media features to the content and learning outcomes.
Thorough analysis relating the media features to the content and learning outcomes.
SCIE2001 Assessment 2 – Wiki Marking Rubric
Student name:
SCIE2001 Assessment 2 Brief
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Are chosen media from credible sources and of high quality? Comment on why or why not? (3 marks)
Failures to demonstrate any understanding or reflective thought about the credibility of the media sources.
Provides brief insight, understanding, and reflective thought about the credibility and quality of the media sources.
Provides comprehensive reasoning, understanding, and reflective thought about the credibility and quality of the media sources.
Needs Work 0-1 mark
Good 1.5 – 2 marks
Excellent 2.5 – 3 marks
What makes the source useful for your learning process? Discuss features of the source with learning styles and content (3 marks)
Learning styles either not mentioned or discussed elsewhere.
Learning styles discussed in the context of media features only.
Comprehensive insight into the impact of media features and learning styles on understanding the content PEER REVIEW (Total= 3 marks) Comments on two other students’ wiki contribution. No comments provided or feedback provided for one student only. Comments relate to the structure and presentation of the written report. General comments on other wiki contributions with reference to learning styles and new knowledge. Constructive analysis of learning outcomes from other wikis.
Structure of wiki. Use of headings and subheadings, fonts, bullet points, underline, italics to enhance the content’s visual appeal and increase readability.
Fails to provide consistent organizational structure or illogical flow of information presented
Uses organizational structure, which groups some but not all related information.
Presents information in a style that is generally appropriate for the intended audience.
Uses consistent organizational structure that includes grouping related information, defines specialized vocabulary.
Presents all information in a style that is appealing and appropriate for the intended audience. ACADEMIC WRITING (Total = 3 marks) Spelling, grammar, punctuation, accurate links, sentence structure etc. Contains several spelling and grammatical errors and or poor sentence structure. Uses inappropriate language for scientific writing. Well written with minimal grammatical and spelling errors. Language used is appropriate and scientific terminology is defined. Excellent. Correct scientific terminology is used throughout the wiki. Language is precise and succinct.
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REFERENCING (Total = 3 marks)
In accordance with APA style & THINK Referencing Guidelines
In-text citations
Reference list
Reference list is missing and no in-text citations.
Reference list provided and evidence of in-text citations, but errors in format or missing some information.
Accurate reference list in the correct format. Examples of in-text citations in the correct format are provided.
Needs Work 0 mark
Good 0.5 mark
Excellent 1 mark ADHERENCE TO INSTRUCTIONS (Total = 2 marks) Word Count Word count for wiki and peers comments is significantly over or under the limit Adheres to word count for wiki or peer comments Adheres to word count for wiki and peer comments Posting of wiki and peer review comments Wiki not posted in correct forum and uploaded as a word document Wiki posted in correct location with peers review comments elsewhere Wiki posted in correct location with peers review comments

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