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Discuss at least two images of childhood obesity. Consider the origins of these images and the evidence used to construct each image. Your essay should include a critical evaluation of the evidence and draw conclusions regarding the evidence most likely to lead to positive outcomes for children who are obese.

Discuss at least two images of childhood obesity. Consider the origins of these images and the evidence used to construct each image. Your essay should include a critical evaluation of the evidence and draw conclusions regarding the evidence most likely to lead to positive outcomes for children who are obese.

Please use these readings as references in the essay:

– Bastian, A. (2011). Representations of childhood obesity in Australian newsprint media and academic literature. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 35(2), 135-139.

The two types of literature examined offered two dominant paradigms for childhood obesity treatment and prevention solutions: the individual and the social‐structural. The individual behaviour change account emphasises the role of parents in providing children with healthy food and physical activity, placing them at fault for their obese children. The account focusing on the circumstances within which people live – such as the physical environment, lifestyle, socio‐economic status, access to services and advertising/marketing of food aimed at children – places responsibility on the government to respond with policy change. (TRY FOCUSING ON THESE TWO IMAGES)

– Olds, T., Thomas, S., Lewis, S., & Petkov, J. (2013). Clustering of attitudes towards obesity: a mixed methods study of Australian parents and children.

International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 10(1), 117.

– Sabin, M. A., Kao, K. T., Juonala, M., Baur, L. A., & Wake, M. (2015). Viewpoint

article: Childhood obesity–looking back over 50 years to begin to look forward. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 51(1), 82-86.

Please examine the dominant image of overweight and obese children as the consequence of poor parenting practices and examine this image in the context of current evidence relating to ‘obesogenic environments’ in most contemporary cultures.

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