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Town Planning-What, if any, is in your view the dominant ideology in contemporary planning law, and how is the balance between the competing ideologies drawn?

‘Much has changed in the legal framework of planning in England and Wales, and there have been numerous changes in policy with accompanying legislative instruments since …. three legal ideologies [were] proposed by Professor Patrick McAuslan over 30 years ago in an attempt to establish where the balance lies between them in …modern planning law. …[An examination] …as to how the competing ideologies interact today and which of them (if any) is dominant [reveals that] the status quo prevails with the public interest allowed to operate in some limited areas, but always under the terms of private interest. It seems that despite all that has happened in this area of law, little has changed in the balance between the three legal ideologies and that McAuslan’s overarching conclusions, at least in respect of the law and guidance on development control, remain good today.” (Adshead, 2014)

What, if any, is in your view the dominant ideology in contemporary planning law, and how is the balance between the competing ideologies drawn? You should use examples from the case law, legislation and planning policy covered in this module to illustrate your answer.

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