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Using the information provided about the company your goal is to discuss some key ways the organization may try to address the issue of high turnover.

Using the information provided about the company your goal is to discuss some key ways the organization may try to address the issue of high turnover.

The assignment requires you to develop an Organizational Development plan for the company (in attachment). In particular, the organization is concerned with the high level of turnover they are experiencing. Using the information provided about the company your goal is to discuss some key ways the organization may try to address the issue of high turnover. Put simply, what steps would you recommend the organization take to reduce their level of turnover?

Try to think of very creative problems and solutions that are not just the obvious ones. You only need to focus on one or 2 issues so that you can discuss them in detail. Attached it the assignment brief with the company, a detailed guide to structuring the report as well as a guide to using the data that is given on the company (although you do not need to use the data if it is not relevant to your issues and solutions proposed).

Once you have decided on the main issues you are discussing I can provide you with some of the theories on that are that we have discussed in the module. In the module, the main areas we have covered is influence, motivation, leadership, employee development, relational leadership (LMX) and Co-worker relationships and teams. Therefore, choosing issues on these would be best, however, if there is an issue that is related to something out with​ the scope of the course please let me know and I’ll ask my professor whether I am able to use this.

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