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Industrial Report on retail E-Commerce

1. Introduction – the importance of the topic, the perspective taken by the argument. 250 words.
2. Literature Review – historical background; the research field. 500 words.
3. Macro analysis – contextual industry data; PESTLE etc. 750 words.
4. Microanalysis – industry data; competitive position; profitability. 750 words.
5. Discussion – evaluation of the overall data. 500 words.
6. Conclusion – how the argument has been resolved; limitations of the research; future research potential. 250 words.
7. References – Harvard format only

1) How retail e-commerce started growing
2) How big will the market increase
3) When and why will it stop growing
4) What are the limitations of this research in preparing industry analysis of retail e-commerce

These 4 points should be covered in the report and every statement should be backed up with a Journal or Research Paper

Use as many references as possible​

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