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Understanding the firm through Management Theory

Regarding Article Critique 2, there was a significant difference in this critique from the others you submitted. We would be willing to raise your grade if you rewrite this assignment adhering to the following parameters.

· Discuss in more detail the data and data collection methods used by the authors,
· discuss the research methods that the articles used in more detail,
· correct the discussion of the research method for the Bower and Paine article,
· correct any fragmented sentences, and
· increase the level of depth and analysis in your critique

Article Critique Assignments
The goal of this assignment is to develop a written synthesis describing and critically analyzing a scholarly article. You may leverage all papers covered in the course.
Your critique should be 1-2 pages total for all assigned readings and include the following information:
 Name(s) of the author(s), Title of article, Title of journal, volume, date, and page numbers
 Statement of the problem or issue discussed in the paper
 The author’s motivation, approach or methods, hypotheses, and major conclusions

Please organize your article critique into a write-up with the following recommended structure (please note that this is merely a suggestive structure and you can use your own personal style):
Introduction (a few sentences): Please provide an overview of the article’s purpose and overarching motivation.
Summary (about one short paragraph): In this paragraph, please review the article’s key points, analyze the article’s key strengths and weaknesses, outline the various theoretical perspectives discussed in the article, and explain the main conclusions.
Assessment (a few sentences): In this section, depending on the paper, please consider answering the following questions:
 What are the specific research questions being addressed;
 Is there an underlying theory that motivates this study?
 Are the authors using data to test certain hypotheses?
o If so, what are the key hypotheses
 What kind of data do the author(s) use?
 Are the data archival, non-experimental, or do they come from a randomized experiment?
 What concepts are included in the paper’s literature review?
o Of particular importance, please note those concepts that are the independent and dependent variables and how they are conceptually defined.
 Does the article make the relationships among any variables explicit or place the variables within a theoretical/conceptual framework
o What are the key relationships?
 What gaps or conflicts in knowledge of the problem are identified?
 What are the paper’s key findings?

Conclusion (about 1-2 sentences): Please present the article’s overall contributions and describe the article’s theoretical and/or practical implications.

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