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How to motivate front line employees in recruitment industry – The link between autonomy, motivation and emotional exhaustion.

How to motivate front line employees in recruitment industry – The link between autonomy, motivation and emotional exhaustion.

INDIVIDUAL research proposal which will outline areas such as the aims and objectives of the research, where it fits within the academic literature, its importance to the field of human resource management and the proposed methodology and data gathering approaches to be adopted.


Research Context and Objectives (30%)

  • Clearly explains problem/issue justifying why research is important both from an organizational & a personal perspective
  • Provides a clear statement of what the research seeks to achieve and justifies this in terms of the overall problem/issue. Questions/ objectives are written clearly.

Indicative literature review (30%)

  • Demonstrates knowledge of the relevant literature by identifying key debates, concepts and theories
  • Clarifies how the proposal fits into the debate within the literature and how the literature will be used to inform the research design

Methodology (30%)

  • Explores and justifies the philosophical implications of the proposed research
  • Explains and justifies the research design; clarity on sequence and ‘use’ of methods.
  • Justifies the ‘credibility’ of the research and how the concepts of validity, reliability and generalisability will be applied to the proposed research

Political and ethical implications (5%)

  • Reflects on the political and ethical implications of undertaking the proposed research; including researcher’s position within the organization.

Access and action plan (5%)

  • Discusses access issues and provides a realistic action plan demonstrating that the proposal is viable given the available resources – time – researcher skills – access to data etc.
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