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Evaluate the approach taken by the Defamation Act 2013 to redress the balance between protection of reputation and freedom of expression.

The Defamation Act 2013 aims to reverse the “chilling effect” current libel laws have had on freedom of expression and legitimate debate. Evaluate the approach taken by the Defamation Act 2013 to redress the balance between protection of reputation and freedom of expression.

Before attempting this assignment:
Ensure the ‘Assessment’ section in this Unit Outline is read and understood. If you have any
questions, please do not hesitate to contact the lecturer.
Students should refer to the ‘Guide to Assessment’ file under the Content tab on the unit
MyLO site for guidelines on assignment presentation.
Ensure you understand the assignment question(s) and/or tasks. Once again, consult your
lecturer should you be unsure of any matters.
Note: All students are required to submit this assignment to be eligible to undertake the
final unit examination.

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