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Australian Tobacco and Hookah market Research

Detailed overview/introduction, Detailed history, Detailed market analysis per state, Detailed manufacture profiles, Detailed market forecast, tax and Detailed legislation for each state, Detailed Distributors, Traders and Dealers who sell Hookah., future market analysis and Target Market. (Everything must be super detailed)

Presentation and Referencing
ê Either use the framework template provided (a Word doc version is available from the
Info page ‘assessments’ section) or re-create your own version on your
Template headings order should not be changed or removed.
ê Page limit: no more than 4 sides of A4 for the full summative and 3 for Formative 1. This
does not include references or the legend. A word count is not needed on the cover sheet
but a page count is. Excess text will not be marked.
ê No margin spacing rules
ê Single line text spacing.
ê Font – Arial, size – 10. Using a smaller font will mean that not all work is marked.
ê Key information is concise and placed in logical order. Use signposting as required.
ê Provide an alphabetical legend of any abbreviations used, in alphabetical order. This can go
on a separate page if needed. There is no need to write out abbreviations in full the first time
ê Language: academic, do not use the first person even if postulating, capital letters
are used appropriately. The essay plan should be written in full sentences.
ê Accurate spelling and grammar.
ê Quoting should generally be avoided in this assignment.
ê Check your work for plagiarism via Turnitin Similarity Report before submitting your final
assignment for marking.
ê Citations – Vancouver (Style – see ION Guide to Citing & Referencing)

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