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Business opportunities for UK Construction Companies in China

Content and Research:

Research a country (China) which you think offers good opportunities for UK construction companies to do business. Identify how the market could be entered and any challenges which may be faced. Include any relevant case studies.

A large UK based construction contractor is considering the possibility of working on international construction projects.

Produce a report (1000 words) identifying the main areas which will need to be investigated as part of its business appraisal (inc PESTLE / SWOT Analysis). Relevant case study information can be included.
Please see attachments for detailed notes, literature and report word document template.

Report & Requirements:

The Report needs to investigate the opportunities/potential China provides for UK Construction companies to do business. You need to identify how the markets could be entered and any challenges which may be face (Case studies where relevant).

The report format and template has been provided, including indicative word count for each section of the report, see word document “Task 2 – Report Format & Template” attached.

Literature / Case Studies

The Literature / Case Studies to help compile the report have been given uploaded, see folder “Literature & Case Studies”. Contained with the folder “Literature & Case Studies” are the following documents:

  1. International Construction Market Survey 2018 (PDF)
  2. Global Construction 2030 summit report (PDF)


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