Please write an essay to answer the given question in conjunction with the lecture (ppt) and the required reading materials (Please check in the PDF). Please refer at least five additional academic resources (peer review), and one general resource (newspaper). The title page and reference list should not count as five pages (max 1500 words). The essay should be word-processed. It should be on A4 paper and on one side of the paper only. Pages should be numbered. The essay should be double-spaced with generous margins (at least 1” / 2.5 cm). Use a reader-friendly font (preferably 12 pt). Titles of whole works should be in italics. Number pages on the bottom right or bottom centre of the page.
Assignment Instruction.
- Complete literature review based upon Dissertation proposal and dissertation
Layout. Literature Review to be min 5000 words.
2a. Author a Semi structured questionnaire, refer to dissertation proposal (attachment 1) and dissertation layout (attachment 2) for guidelines Approx. 2000 words/ min 30 questions
2b. Bullet point how the survey results for the quantitative data will be analysed using statistical software (minitab/excel), specifically the techniques. Additionally detail same for the thematic approach for the qualitative data. Refer to dissertation proposal (attachment 1) and dissertation layout (attachment 2) for guidelines. Approx. 200 words
All work to be original using Harvard refencing. Wordcount excluding references.