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‘Explain the potential effects of hypochlorhydria, limited to iron deficiency, on systems function (energy production and biotransformation and elimination), using the Functional Medicine Model’

Summative Assignment
Complete an essay plan framework (Appendix A) derived from the essay title:
‘Explain the potential effects of hypochlorhydria, limited to iron deficiency, on
systems function (energy production and biotransformation and elimination), using
the Functional Medicine Model’
Essay Plan Assignment. Must pass (40%) to pass the module
Please follow all guidance below.
Timeline: What to Do by When
Formative exercises are optional but highly recommended (Appendix B)
Formative 1
Complete sections 1 & 2 of the framework (Appendix A), with referencing and submit to
the correct Turnitin portal on the RelION NS1 Info Page by deadline for Formative 1 as
This is an opportunity for feedback on your work, with time allowed afterwards to make
changes, before submitting the summative assignment at the end of the semester. This
exercise will also help with time management through the module.
At this stage, section 3 of the framework does not need to be completed.
Formative 2
A set of resources and questions (released later in the module) that provide foundational
knowledge needed for completing section 3 of the summative assignment. The answers
to these questions will NOT form part of your summative assignment. What is learnt will
be built upon when answering section 3.
The Formative 2 questions are to be completed on a Word doc and submitted to the
correct Turnitin portal. The module leader will provide general feedback and guidance to
the group as a whole to ensure they are steered in the right direction.
Adjust sections 1 and 2 of the framework, along with referencing, in line with feedback.
Complete section 3. Include a copy of Formative 1 feedback with key points about any
changes made (see p.8). Submit the full framework.
NTDC4115 Nutrition Sciences 1 NTDC 2018-19 3
A robust knowledge of anatomy, physiology and biochemistry underpin the majority of
your decision making and communications to others in clinical practice. Each module
requires you to revisit and build on your science knowledge and academic skills gained
in the Nutrition Sciences 1 and 2 modules.
This assignment tests that knowledge and understanding of biochemistry, physiology and
internal anatomy within the context of an integrated systems/functional medicine approach.
Academic processes underpinning essay planning (note taking, structuring of research
findings, appropriate citation and referencing technique) are also demonstrated.
Two formative exercises are paced through the module to allow for feedback and
development of skills (Appendix B).
What is an Essay Plan?
This assignment is NOT an essay. You are producing an ‘essay plan’ according to
the specific instructions provided in this brief. You are given a framework (Appendix A)
to complete. Please note that what you will submit will still need to be written in full
sentences so that it can be marked. The ‘exemplar’ in the RelION assessment section,
provides an example of what the essay plan assignment will start to look like.
In many other modules on this course, you will go on to produce essays. Here you are
being asked to first produce an ‘essay plan’ to get you thinking about how to prepare for
writing an essay. A framework is a list of topic-focused questions/tasks/headings that gets
you engaged in the reading you will need, generating the resources (books/research
papers/other) you will need to collate.
An essay is ultimately the ‘product’ of a set of ‘processes’ that need to be gone through.
Process = planning tasks and time management. You need to work out what information
you need to find, search for this information, discern the relevance of information found,
refine and re-search, take notes, avoid plagiarism, work out the structure of the essay and
collate your references. In the majority of assignments, the mark is awarded to the finished
essay, the ‘product’, generated from these processes. You can spend a lot of time on the
‘process’ and mistakenly think this will give you a good mark. Time does not equal quality.
You need to learn how to use your time effectively so that you have sufficient time to
demonstrate in the product (essay) that you have understood the topic generally and
specifically, and can communicate this to the reader.
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Other Academic Skills Assessed
Researching & Referencing
In researching this topic you will be collating your findings experience citing and referencing
using the ION Guidelines. You will also need to engage with the exemplar, the Study Skills
area on RelION, use search databases such as Science Direct, Google Scholar, PubMed
etc., seek out others in your group to work and to skill share with, and explore other
sources of academic writing development.
The information you use must be accurate and from respected, relevant sources e.g.
standard anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology or medical textbooks (especially when
making notes on physiological function), and research papers. When translating possible
effects of hypochlorhydria to systems function you may also have to use literature from
respected authors in the fields of integrative, complementary, nutritional and naturopathic
If you find in the literature dissonance (for and against arguments) between sources,
especially around the impact of hypochlorhydria and deficiency, concisely present this.
Matters are rarely black or white.
Academic Integrity
Unlimited access to ION’s anti-plagiarism software, Turnitin, builds understanding of
academic integrity. Appropriate use of academic/scientific language, referencing and
academic integrity are required. More information on Turnitin academic integrity can be
found in the student handbook. You will need to know how to read your Turnitin similarity
report. There are instructions on how to do this in your homepage ‘resources’ section.
How to Achieve Good Marks
Tips from the Dean, Heather Rosa, for all assignments.
ê Plan. Start ASAP. Running out of time is a common issue in the first semester
ê Work through the formative exercises
ê Group work – students who work together achieve higher marks
ê Follow guidance given. Keep returning to the Assignment Brief
ê Use the resources provided and those you are directed to. Also find a variety of other
current, appropriate resources.
ê Demonstrate you have read around the topic, and understood it
ê Use concise technical language with accurate spelling, sentence construction and grammar
ê Identify disagreements in the literature and present these
ê Present work using the guidance given, font, size, spacing, word count, legend, etc.
ê Use the referencing style required
ê Adhere to ION assignment presentation guidelines, there are penalties for not complying
(see Student Handbook)
ê Adhere to marking grid, used by markers (Appendix C)
ê Do not breech academic integrity rules (see Student Handbook)
ê Use the Level 4 descriptors and assessment guidelines in the Student Handbook
ê Use the module leader via the forum to seek clarification on assignment criteria
ê Use the FAQs page in the assessment section of the module
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Assignment Topic
The framework you will complete is structured from the essay title:
‘Explain the potential effects of hypochlorhydria, limited to iron deficiency, on systems
function (energy production and biotransformation and elimination), using the
Functional Medicine Model’
So what must you know and understand to tackle this assignment?
• What does ‘explain’ mean?
• What is the Functional Medicine Model?
• What is normal digestion?
• What is hypochlorhydria?
• What is systems function?
• How does hypochlorhydria effect digestion, particularly of protein and carbohydrates?
• How might hypochlorhydria have systemic effects = systems function?
• What is energy production? What is biotransformation and elimination?
• What role does iron play within these systems?
Completing the Framework
Further guidance on directed reading will be provided.
Sections 1 & 2
Once you have concisely yet precisely explained the normal digestive processes for
carbohydrates and proteins, you will then use this knowledge, and further research, to
explore the effect of hypochlorhydria on digestion of these macronutrients. You might find it
helpful to look into research on Proton-Pump inhibitors (PPIs) and achlorhydria.
Section 3
You will explain the effects of hypochlorhydria on selected body systems. This could easily
affect all of the systems featured on the functional medicine matrix model but, for this
assignment, you are limited to explaining the effects related to the systems of energy
production (cellular respiration) and biotransformation and elimination. You are further
limited to only looking at the concise effects of iron deficiency on these two functional
systems, rather than those of all possible deficient nutrients. Explain the precise roles iron
has in these systems and explore what might happen if there is a deficiency.
For the purposes of section 3 you can assume that iron is a deficient nutrient, its absorption
or hypochlorhydria-induced malabsorption do not need to be explained here. However, do
report any dissonance to this assumption, if found.
Note for part time students: There is a short lecture on functional medicine in the first
lecture of the Principles of Nutrition module. This lecture can be made available to you
after it has been delivered.
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Academic Quality
ê Explanations are accurate and evidenced from respected, relevant and diverse sources.
ê Evidenced knowledge of the normal digestion of carbohydrates and proteins, the possible
effects of hypochlorhydria on these nutrients and the possible impact of hypochlorhydria on
energy production and biotransformation using iron as an example.
ê Any dissonance (disagreements) between sources is concisely reported.
ê Work is your own. This is evidenced via your Turnitin Report. Ensure that Turnitin has been
able to read your script for academic integrity.
ê Unreferenced work, where the ideas of others are being expressed, is a form of plagiarism.
An assignment will fail if it isn’t referenced.
Presentation and Referencing
ê Either use the framework template provided (a Word doc version is available from the
RelION NS1 Info page ‘assessments’ section) or re-create your own version on your
Template headings order should not be changed or removed.
ê Boxes on the template can be expanded. You may want to adjust the location of the dividing
line between the protein and carbohydrate columns, to minimize empty space.
ê Page limit: no more than 4 sides of A4 for the full summative and 3 for Formative 1. This
does not include references or the legend. A word count is not needed on the cover sheet
but a page count is. Excess text will not be marked.
ê No margin spacing rules
ê Single line text spacing.
ê Font – Arial, size – 10. Using a smaller font will mean that not all work is marked.
ê Key information is concise and placed in logical order. Use signposting as required.
ê Add in extra rows with merged cells where required. This is helpful if, for example, you wish
to add a point that applies to both protein and carbohydrate digestion in the mouth.
ê Provide an alphabetical legend of any abbreviations used, in alphabetical order. This can go
on a separate page if needed. There is no need to write out abbreviations in full the first time
used. Abbreviations must be accepted by the scientific community. Do not make them up.
ê Language: academic & scientific, do not use the first person even if postulating, capital letters
are used appropriately. The essay plan should be written in full sentences.
ê Accurate spelling and grammar.
ê Quoting should generally be avoided in this assignment.
ê Check your work for plagiarism via Turnitin Similarity Report before submitting your final
assignment for marking.
ê Citations – Vancouver (Style – see ION Guide to Citing & Referencing).
ê In the first year students are asked to provide page numbers of textbooks with their citations.
ê Multiple citations for each fact are not required.
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Reference List:
ê Reference list style: Vancouver (numbered chronologically) the reference after the number is
written as per the Harvard in the ION Guide to Citing and Referencing.
ê Marks are given for consistent presentation and lost if the reference is incomplete in the list
and or does not follow the rules set out in the ION Guide to Citing and Referencing.
ê Font – Arial, size – 12 (this is the standard font size)
ê Reference list is started on a new page
ê Single line spaced (see exemplar)
ê Normal margin spacing rules.
ê Include a screen shot of the Formative 1 feedback rubric in an appendix. If Formative 1 was
not submitted then write this in the appendix area to advise the marker.
ê Ensure to document in the ‘learning & skills development’ box, on the cover sheet, what
you have taken on board from your Formative 1 feedback and what you have changed
or focused on as a consequence, if anything. If nothing has been changed then state
ê Also comment on your personal focus for section 3 in this box.
ION Assignment Presentation Requirements
ê These are laid out in the Student Handbook and apply to ALL assignments, unless stated
otherwise or different directions are given in the assignment brief.
ê There are penalties for not adhering to these.

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