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Comparative Essay of Sterne’s ‘The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman’ and Beckett’s ‘Happy Days’ and ‘Krapp’s Last Tape’

‘The comic spirit has a logic of its own, even in its wildest eccentricities. It has a method in its madness’

Write a 3500 WORD comparative essay response to the title quotation using Laurence Sterne’s ‘The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman’ and Samuel Beckett’s ‘Happy Days’ and ‘Krapp’s Last Tape’. Your essay should be grounded in critical analysis and it should be informed by and engage with critical and literary terms. Also, your essay should focus on not just a text’s content but also its form. Be sure to include a thesis statement in your introduction. Your essay must incorporate and engage with quality secondary sources such as journal articles that support the essay’s main arguments. It is important to use a balance and a good amount of quotations from all of the three set texts. It is important to compare and contrast how all of the three set texts significantly relate to the title quotation.
Footnotes will count towards the 3500 WORD COUNT but not the abstract and bibliography.
NOTE: Attached is the FURTHER DETAILS and PROPOSAL of the comparative essay assignment, identifying what needs to be done and what needs to be included, it is important to cautiously read it carefully before starting the assignment.
You MUST follow through with the PROPOSAL of what to explore with the Title Quotation and use it as a guidance and outline of what the comparative essay should focus on.

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