Assignment brief
Outbreak report
Outbreak Report Assessment
You have successfully completed the first part of this assignment, working as groups to investigate and manage a complex outbreak. You have experienced the challenges of group work. These challenges are very much a reality in the workplace. This is because people work at different paces, and have different priorities and schedules.
The final aspect of this assessment requires you to write an outbreak report to the Prison Governor, highlighting the key points of this outbreak. This is an independent piece of work and should be completed after the outbreak response exercise is complete. Your report should include:
Background information: 250 words
Brief overview of the epidemiology: 100 words
An outline of the key challenges faced in responding to this outbreak: 250 words
Recommendations for the future management of the prison so that outbreaks can be prevented: 400 words
Reflective summary of your key learning throughout this assignment (reflecting on your application of module learning and experience working in a group): 500 words
Total 1500
Add new references that describe infection control in prison and outbreak control around patinets with diarrheo, vomiting, causative agents.
Include aspect of trawling questionnaire