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Reviewing the scientific credibility of each of these articles and then discussing the relative merits of the papers. How reliable or credible is this information?

The purpose of this essay will be to assess and provide feedback on how well students demonstrate research skills,scientific literacy and communication skills in the context of producing an essay on an allocated vitamin topic.
Students (and consumers) are constantly faced with nutrition information, from the internet to peer review journals, to magazine articles and social media.
– How reliable or credible is this information?
– How do you determine if it has scholarly merit?
This task aids students to develop the process of determining the credibility of resources and also provides the framework in eventually developing critical review processes for future subjects.
Six articles about a particular vitamin will be provided on vUWS for this assignment task.
You will be tasked with reviewing the scientific credibility of each of these articles and then discussing the relative merits of the papers. In your review, you will discuss the quality of information and evidence provided, comparing and contrasting the different papers.
The assignment MUST include the following sections in the following order:
1. Introduction
Brief introduction; detailing purpose of report and short introduction about the vitamin
2. Credibility review
a. 1st article credibility review and short discussion
b. 2nd article credibility review and short discussion
c. 3rd article credibility review and short discussion
d. 4th article credibility review and short discussion
e. 5th article credibility review and short discussion
f. 6th article credibility review and short discussion
3. Discussion
Your interpretation of the information from the six papers.
Critically reflect on the quality of information and evidence provided from the different sources. Discuss the relative merits of the papers. Compare and contrast the different papers.
What do you think about the vitamin and current research in light of your research and/or lectures?
4. Conclusion
Summary of key findings of literature.
5. References
Harvard referencing is expected (not included in word count).
2000 words

Articles to read for Vitamin Assignment 2019

  1. What no one tells you about vitamin D


  1. Vitamin D Might Be Able to Slash Your Breast Cancer Risk by 90 Percent


  1. Vitamin D deficiency in adults


  1. Vitamin D levels linked to lower colorectal cancer risk


  1. Vitamin D and calcium supplementation reduces cancer risk: results of a randomized trial


  1. Are You Getting Enough Vitamin D?



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