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Write up a report on an issue relating to the role of English in international (post-colonial) literature as exemplified in the work of Chinua Achebe, Things fall Apart.


This task requires you to apply your understandings and knowledge of the stages of the research process in order to carry out a research project. You have to write up a report on an issue relating to the role of English in international (post-colonial) literature as exemplified in the work of Chinua Achebe, Things fall Apart.

Aims of the research project

  • To develop an understanding of the systematic process of academic research: design, data gathering from multiple sources, data analysis, reporting
  • To develop awareness of the structure and language features of a research report
  • To reflect on issues in relation to the international reach of English language and literature and the reciprocal influences of international or world literatures on English

The stages of the research process are as follows:

  1. Developing a research question/topic and describing the scope and content
  2. Literature review (what others say about the issue/s & texts)
  3. Literary analysis of the text/texts (your analysis of how the text/s address the issue on which you focus your study)
  4. Presenting the findings.

Structure of the report

  1. Title page
  2. Table of contents
  • Abstract (a concise summary or overview of the report, including conclusions)
  1. Introduction
  2. Literature review (what others say about the issue/s & texts)
  3. Literary analysis of the text/texts (your analysis of how the text/s address the issue on which you focus your study)
  • Conclusion
  • Recommendations (if appropriate)
  1. Acknowledgements (thanking any informants)
  2. References
  3. Appendices (if appropriate)

Criteria for judging the report include the following:

  • Is the question clearly stated?
  • Does the research demonstrate systematic planning and organisation?
  • Are the data presented in a way that indicates the student’s ability to collect, record, organise, analyse and evaluate information (as appropriate)?
  • How effectively does the student use the various sources of data?
  • How effectively does the student address problems which arise in the investigation?
  • Does the student provide a well-documented, well-analysed, and credible response to the question/topic?
  • Does the student respect the conventions of report writing, and / or literary analysis and critique?
  • Is the use of vocabulary (lexis) and grammar (syntax) in the report fluent, accurate and appropriate?
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