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Describe your interaction(s) and experience(s) with the provider’s employees. For example, were you greeted upon entering the location? Did an employee offer you assistance?


The purpose of this assignment is for you to assess critical aspects of service from the perspective of the customer with an eye toward improving service delivery and service support systems. The hope is that by the end of the term you will recognize and classify service behaviors, explain the potential impacts these behaviors have on customer perceptions, and be able to prescribe remedial steps to improve customer service performance and eliminate processes that lead to poor performance.

A total of 4 service encounters are required for the term. You are to use the reporting format detailed below. Be sure to be thorough in your responses to the requested information. Each report will detail 1 service encounter; however, each encounter may include contact with multiple individuals and different dates, especially in the case of any service recovery efforts. Only encounters from the current term will be accepted.

Select from a variety of service providers and industries (e.g., do not evaluate only restaurants). Some examples include retail, restaurant, sport and entertainment events, automotive services, airlines, event planners, insurance providers, attorneys, campus services, hair stylists, nail salons, and customer service call centers. Review 1 sport property during the term if possible.

It is highly recommended you perform your write-ups as soon as possible after each encounter. Do not try to write from extended memory. It is preferable that a mixture of experiences be documented (i.e., both “good” and “bad” customer service encounters).


Provide the following information to document your service encounter.

1. Service provider information: Note the name of the service provider; the industry category of the service provider (e.g., fast food, specialty retail, etc.); and the date, time, and location of the encounter. If the encounter was web-based, be sure to note the provider’s URL and service methodology (e.g., live chat, email, etc.). If the encounter was phone-based, be sure to note which department(s) you interacted with.

2. What were the circumstances that led to this encounter? (e.g., to meet an emergency need, socializing, impulse decision, etc.)? Why did you choose this particular service provider?

3. Describe your interaction(s) and experience(s) with the provider’s employees. For example, were you greeted upon entering the location? Did an employee offer you assistance? Describe the employee’s competence in meeting your needs. If they did not know the answer to a question, did they offer to find out the answer from someone else? Share other pertinent information including any service recovery efforts.

4. Provide an evaluation of the provider’s servicescape and its processes (e.g., was there too much clutter, do you think there is a better and/or faster way the organization could serve its customers, etc.). Comment on the provider’s web-based servicescape too as applicable (e.g., describe how easy was it to navigate and purchase tickets online for the event you attended).

5. On a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being “Extremely Dissatisfied” and 5 being “Extremely Satisfied,” how would you rate your level of satisfaction with this encounter?

6. If you were dissatisfied or neutral with your experience (i.e., you rated your experience a 1, 2, or 3), what could the employee(s)/service provider have done to make you more satisfied with your encounter?

7. How likely are you to return to this service provider? Why or why not? Would you recommend this provider to a friend/social acquaintance? Why or why not?

8. What is the key managerial takeaway from your experience? Regardless of the industry category of your encounter, how can the takeaway be applied to guest services within the sport industry?

There should be 2 different essay which Service Encounters 3 and 4. 2 pages per essay.

2 references per essay.

The restaurant has to be in United States.

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