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New business innovation development: Conduct an innovation/organisational development audit appropriate for the introduction of the new product/service.

Assignment Brief

Module Title: Managing Innovation in Business Module Code:
Assignment No/Title: CW1 Individual 4,000 word individual Report: New business innovation development. Assessment Weighting: 100%
Submission Date: Feedback Target Date: 3 Weeks
Module Co-ordinator/
Submission Instructions
This assignment tests the following Learning Outcomes for the module:

Apply an evaluative approach to a range of business data, sources of information and appropriate methodologies in identifying drivers of innovation within a business and its environments;
Analyse and illustrate how organisations and their leaders can successfully plan and prepare for innovation;
Critically discuss the importance of organisational knowledge, knowledge transfer and cross functional co-operation in order to analyse and assess innovation capability and blockages;
Actively engage in the identification of a new product/service for a chosen organisation and identify the key activities required for its successful development;
Conduct an innovation/organisational development audit appropriate for the introduction of the new product/service.

Instructions to Students
You are to write a 4,000 word +/-10% (20 page maximum) individual report that addresses the tasks set out below. You have an additional 4 pages available for appendices should you require them.
Assignment Task
Your task is to actively engage in the development of an innovative product or service using ONE of the topics listed below and which addresses a specific consumer or business or joint need. The idea must be original and not a close copy or version of an existing product or service. You must conduct an innovation audit of the organization and personnel in order to identify the organizational development requirements required for the development, introduction and successful launch of the innovative idea. You must research the market potential and clearly identify the driver of innovation for the choice of service or product that you select. You will identify the challenges the organizations leaders, or you as an entrepreneur, must plan and prepare for the development and launch of the innovative idea including any potential key blockages that may occur.

a. Artificial Intelligence or AI
b. Augmented Reality AR
c. Big Data
d. Bitcoin or similar Crypto currency
e. Blockchain
f. Drone Technology
g. Robotics
h. Social Media
i. Other business idea, agreed in advance with the module leader, this can include ideas for a service or product in B2C, B2B or both arenas and may be your own entrepreneurial business idea.

Simple brief:

• Here’s my innovative idea. (Innovation thinking and problem solving)
• This is the market research data and analysis/business case. (Marketing skills, Market Research and Financial analysis)
• These are the leadership skills and plans required to launch it to the market. (Business Analysis, Organizational Behaviour and Leadership theory)
• These are the existing skill sets and here are the new skill sets required for this innovative idea. (Secondary research, Gap analysis and evaluation)
• This is how the business/team/ department need to be organized and work together in order to address blockages and be successful. (Organizational Behaviour and HRM skills)

As you can see from the simple brief the key academic topics and skills have been identified after each activity description. These address nearly all of the topics your degree has covered over the last 2+ years so there is the need to demonstrate all of your skill sets not just some. As a suggestion for those students not looking to start or continue with their own businesses, linking your innovation idea to an organization you may wish to work for will provide you with the opportunity to both research them as well as provide something different to discuss at interviews which may set you apart from the rest of the candidates?

Generic Marking Criteria for Managing Innovation in Business 2018-19 CW1 – 100% weighting

Wgt A
70%+ B
60-69% C
50-59% D
40-49% E and F
Analysis, synthesis and evaluation: Innovation thinking and problem solving
30% Answer shows an excellent application of innovation thinking using appropriate theories and models. Answer shows very good application of innovation thinking using appropriate theories and models. Answer shows good application of innovation thinking using appropriate theories and models. but may contain some gaps or errors. Answer shows a fair
application of innovation
using appropriate
theories and models
but contains significant
gaps and errors or is
hard to understand. Answer shows no summary of an organisation’s strategic position (Internal and External).
Knowledge & Understanding:
Market research and business case
20% Answer shows excellent application of theory to develop appropriate insight relating to the analysis. Answer shows good application of theory to develop. A good attempt has been made to justify the choices on the basis of the analysis. Answer shows some application of theory to develop appropriate insight relating to the analysis which are generally appropriate for the organisation. Limited justification is made and links with the previous analysis may be missing. Answer shows limited
application of theory to
develop appropriate
insight relating to
the analysis which are
mainly inappropriate
and not justified. Answer shows no application of theory. Strategic choices are inappropriate or absent. There is no attempt to justify the strategic choices.
Evaluation: Leadership and launch plans 10% Excellent evaluation and critical assessment with deep understanding of the leadership, planning and application of relevant theories. Generally very good evaluation with a good understanding of the leadership, planning and application of relevant theories Some fair evaluation evident, but there are gaps or errors. There are gaps in understanding of the leadership, planning and application of relevant theories. Limited critical
evaluation with
significant gaps or
errors. Significant
weaknesses in
understanding of the
leadership, planning
and application of
relevant theories. There is no critical assessment of evaluation criteria.
Analysis: Organizational skill audit 10% Sound analysis and evaluation of the organizations skills and development requirements with excellent evidence, and application of theories. Generally good analysis and evaluation of the organizations skills and development requirements with excellent evidence, and application of theories. Fair analysis and evaluation of the organizations skills and development requirements with some evidence, and application of theories but with some gaps and weaknesses. Some gaps or errors in evidence, analysis and evaluation. Limited analysis and
evaluation of the
organizations skills and
requirements with
limited evidence, and
poor application of
theories work
not really supported by
sufficient evidence,
analysis and evaluation. Recommendations are absent or unsound and are not supported by evidence, analysis or evaluation
Evaluation & Synthesis: Work organization & blockages with solutions 20% Excellent evaluation with sound critical assessment and application showing deep understanding of the organisation, environment and relevant theories. Generally good evaluation with sound critical assessment and application showing deep understanding of the organisation, environment and relevant theories. Some evaluation with limited critical assessment and application showing some understanding of the organisation, environment and relevant theories, but there are gaps or errors. There are gaps in understanding of the organisation, environment and how to select and apply relevant theories. Limited evaluation with
poor critical assessment
and application showing
poor understanding of
the organisation,
environment and
relevant theories
with significant gaps or
errors. Significant
weaknesses in
understanding of the
organisation and
environment Relevant
theories are missing or
poorly applied.
Assignment Parameters
10% Clearly written and presented, fully and clearly referenced, and within +/-10% of the word limit
Fully Harvard referenced. In general, answer is clearly written and presented, fully and clearly referenced, and within +/- 10% of the word limit.
Correct Harvard referencing. Despite a small number of specific problems, answer is easy to follow with sound referencing. Answer may suffer
from weak
communication and
presentation, but is
understandable with
reasonably sound
referencing. Weak communication and/or presentation limited effectiveness/ comprehension of argument. Poor or no referencing

Quality Assurance Record

Internal Approval:
External Approval:

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