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Creating a Comprehensive Audit Plan

5/25/2019 APUS CLE : ACCT400 I001 Spr 19 : Assignments
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ACCT400 I001 Spr 19    Assignments
Assignment List Week 8 – Final Assessment
Week 8 – Final Assessment
DUE: Jun 30, 2019 11:59 PM
Grade Details
Grade N/A
Gradebook Comments None
Assignment Details
Open Date May 6, 2019 4:24 PM
Graded? Yes
Points Possible 100.0
Resubmissions Allowed? No
Attachments checked for originality? Yes
Assignment Instructions
Topic: You are an auditor at a prestigious CPA firm. After several years of hard work, your boss informs you that you will be in charge of this
year’s audit of the firm’s most important client, Bullseye, a general merchandise retailer with hundreds of stores throughout the United States.
Bullseye is a publicly traded company with its corporate headquarters in Minneapolis, MN. It does not have any foreign operations. Local managers
take care of all hiring/personnel issues but payroll is administered through corporate headquarters. Similarly, store managers order store supplies
and inventory on account through approved suppliers who send the bill to corporate headquarters where it is paid and allocated to the appropriate
store. Cash from sales is deposited on a daily basis into local branches of a national bank chain that handles all banking needs for Bullseye. and
store managers have authority to withdraw cash to meet the daily business needs of their store. Each store has a bookkeeper on staff who records
all transactions. Naturally, Bullseye relies heavily on technology to manage inventory, payroll, record keeping, and other financial issues at the
store and corporate levels. They have an integrated system where information recorded at the store level is transmitted to corporate headquarters
and entered into the appropriate accounts. Bullseye has been in generally good financial health for several years and there are no concerns about
its ability to remain a going concern. All previous audits have only found minor problems that were the result of human error, such as transposing
numbers or entering amounts into the wrong account, and these errors were easily corrected.
Your supervisor informs you that you will have a team of four other accountants, including an IT professional to assist on the audit. You will be
flying to Minneapolis next month to conduct the audit at Bullseye corporate headquarters. While your boss assures you that you will have a
sufficient budget to conduct a complete audit, the firm wishes to make the audit as efficient as possible. You can send your staff to stores
throughout the country if needed.
Following the format for an integrated audit presented in the textbook, create a comprehensive plan, in essay form, for your audit of Bullseye, from
establishing the scope of the audit through issuing the final report. Because Bullseye has been a client for several years, this is an ongoing audit,
so you only need to be concerned with collecting information about the company to the extent that you can get the information you need for
conducting this audit.
The plan should be 57
pages and should be in APA format, with a minimum of 2 outside sources used to support your plan. Be sure to include
what accounts you will want to pay particular attention to, the risks that are relevant to this company and your audit, internal controls you will want
to test and how you will test them, and any ethical concerns that may be anticipated.
Your assignment will automatically be submitted to Turnitin in the assignment dropbox. Originality reports will be returned to the faculty and
student. Multiple submissions are allowed. Make sure that your Similarity Index does not exceed 25% for undergraduate work.
Save your document as “LastnameFirstinitialACCT4008”.
Submit your paper and the Turnitin Originality Report by Day 7 (Sunday),
midnight EST.
The assignment will be evaluated according to the following Writing Assignment Grading Criteria:
5/25/2019 APUS CLE : ACCT400 I001 Spr 19 : Assignments
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Guidelines Writing Assignment Grading Criteria
Content (60%)
· Response demonstrate a clear understanding of the key elements of assignment questions.
· Responses thoroughly cover the elements in a substantive manner.
· Response demonstrates critical thinking and analysis.
· Content is complete and accurate.
· Introduction and conclusion provides adequate information on the given topic.
Organization (20%)
· Paper structure is clear and easy to follow.
· Ideas flow in a logical sequence.
· Introduction provides a sound introduction to the topic and previews major points.
· Paragraph transitions are logical and support the flow of thought throughout the paper.
· The conclusion thoroughly reviews the major points.
P PowerPoint slides with audio added in a separate file (10% of overall grade).
Writing Style, Grammar,
APA Format (20%)
· Sentences are well constructed, complete, clear, and concise.
· Words used are specific and unambiguous.
· The tone is appropriate to the content and assignment.
· Grammar, spelling and punctuation are correct.
· APA guidelines (6th edition) are followed, such as headers, citations, references, etc.
· Effective use of aids, such as sections, summaries, table of contents, indices, and appendices (if appropriate)
Supporting Materials
APA_6th_Edition_Template 2015.doc (30 KB)
To submit your assignment, attach one or more files and then click Submit.
Originality of attachments will be verified by Turnitin. Both you and your instructor will receive the results.
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5/25/2019 APUS CLE : ACCT400 I001 Spr 19 : Assignments
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