Article title: Effectiveness of an impaired driver program on recidivism among African American and white males.
Research question is Does an impaired driver program lower recidivism among African American and white males?
The abstract will not be from the article submitted to you. The abstract should be about the presentation.
Cite only the attached article. Make a 12-15 minute PowerPoint Presentation
Create 12 – 15 slides
B. Present a critical appraisal of your approved research article. (Effectiveness of an impaired driver program on recidivism among African American and Whites males)
C. Your critical appraisal should begin with an abstract (a micro version/summary of your entire presentation NOT the abstract from your research article). See Abstract sample “This presentation examines the adequacy and appropriateness of many elements from the evaluation of an intervention in replacement of seclusion and restraint. The research question and literature review are both important in regards to current issues, because although there was a call to reduce the use seclusion and restraint, there hasn’t been much in the way of examining event reduction or use of alternative interventions. The researchers used a time series design, and determined that there were significant reductions after intervention implementation in the use seclusion and restraint, the length of those events , and the percentage of patients who received pro re nata medications. Overall, the study asks and answers a pertinent question and does it relatively thoroughly in a controlled way, The quality of the research is high”
D. Your critical appraisal should address the adequacy and appropriateness of the following elements:
1. Research question and literature review
a. Highlight the research question(s) or study purpose and any hypotheses
b. Briefly highlight the rationale for the study and provide your critique on the comprehensiveness of the literature review (was there enough information provided, etc.)
2. Design and sampling
a. Identify the category of design (e.g., pre-experimental, experimental) and name the actual design (e.g., one-group-pre-post test design)
b. Identify the category and type of sampling strategy (e.g., non-probability, purposive sample)
c. Describe who was in the study (e.g., students from research classes at UMB) and include key demographics: 50% White, 25% African American, etc.
d. Address any study attrition/retention
3. Measures
a. Identify the intervention and address how it was measured (e.g., number of session, facilitated by whom, etc.)
b. Identify the dependent variables, how each was measured, and the reliability and validity of each measure. Can do each variable separately (e. g., self esteem was measure by the Rosenberg self esteem scale. Cronbach’s alpha was reported at .85 and the study indicated strong concurrent validity)
4. Data analysis
a. Identify the data analysis technique (relate to each hypothesis if there were hypotheses; if no hypotheses, relate to research question or study purpose)
b. Present the results of the study. Make sure you are clear on if there were statistically significant differences between the intervention and control/comparison group (if you have two groups) or between pre- and post-test (s) if only one group.
5. Ethical considerations
a. Refer to the class on ethics (Day 5). There are a number of ethical considerations including IRB, consent etc. Address the needs of vulnerable subjects here using the ethical considerations and any additional points that you observe.
6. Consistency with social work values and priorities
a. Use the applicable values in the NASW Code of Ethics
E. Drawing on your critical appraisal, provide a summary of the overall quality of the research.
a. This is the strength and weaknesses of the research. You can use the worksheet critique table as a guide to organize here.
F. Drawing on your summary, present the implications of the research for social work practice. Include your “take home message” about next steps for the field.
a. Address how this research is relevant for social work practice.
b. What is the final take-away? Keep it brief.