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Compare and Contrast treatment approaches for sexual offenders

Assignment 2: Compare and Contrast Review

Due: At the end of Unit 11 of the Study Guide

Length: 3500 words (approximately 15 pages)

Weight: 30% of final grade


This assignment will have you compare and contrast treatment approaches for sexual offenders. This comparison must include both a review of the three theoretical models that have dominated intervention efforts for this group of offenders, and a review of the literature evaluating the effectiveness of each approach. Your paper should also include a discussion on female sexual offenders, including how they differ from their male counterparts in terms of risk factors for recidivism and treatment needs.

In addition to the above, you will need to conduct a review of the research literature to properly complete this assignment. This review does not need to be comprehensive as the literature for each model is very large; but your review will need to extend beyond the required readings for Unit 5. To be clear, you cannot rely solely on your required readings for this assignment. Additionally, Wikipedia (or similar internet sources) is unacceptable as a scholarly source of information in this course. You must use APA formatting for your references and your paper must not exceed 15 double-spaced pages (including references); and your font should be 12-point Times New Roman.

In summary, this assignment requires that you produce a 15 page, APA formatted paper that compares and contrasts treatment approaches for sexual offenders with a review of empirical findings for each approach. Your student manual includes tips on writing papers of this sort. Unless you are very familiar with social science papers, you will need to review that information before competing this assignment. The same section of your study manual also includes links to help you with APA style. Again, I recommend that you review that information carefully as a portion of your grade will depend on proper formatting. Please contact your tutor if you have additional questions.

The grading for this assignment will be weighted in the following manner:

(punctuation, typos, construction, paragraphing, etc.)


Presentation and Organization
(length, sequence, flow, introduction, conclusion, citations and references, use of APA style)


(amount and quality of information, integration of information, presence of original thought)




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