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Analyze the relationship of organizational structure, mission, vision, philosophy, and values to the provision of evidenced-based practice within a healthcare organization.

  • Expected Student Outcomes:

At the end of this course the student will be able to:

1.Describe the conceptual basis for leadership theory and management function in relationship to the role of the nurse leader.


  1. Analyze the relationship of organizational structure, mission, vision, philosophy, and values to the provision of evidenced-based practice within a healthcare organization.


  1. 3. Apply leadership concepts, critical thinking and decision making in addressing patient quality and safety issue


  1. Demonstrate leadership and communication skills in the development and implementation of an evidenced-based safety and/or quality improvement initiative within the context of the an inter-professional team.


  1. 5. Apply the concepts of quality and safety management using structure, process and outcomes measures to identify clinical questions and measure the effectiveness of instituted evidenced-based practice initiativ
  2. Identify factors that promote a culture of safety and caring for diverse populations.


7.Identify improvement methods, based on data from outcomes of care processes,(to design and test changes aimed at continuously improving quality and safety of health care.


This course will be offered in both conventional and web-based formats, providing didactic
learning activities that include lectures, student presentations and group discussions, which
are the major methods of teaching this course. Specific activities will include:

  1. Lecture/Online via lecturettes
  2. Text book readings
  3. Exploration of print, electronic and other appropriate media resources
  4. Participation in Subject Discussions/Discussion Boards
  5. Student Online topic self-presentation
  6. Capstone Group project: Evidence-based Planned Change
  7. Group Case study: Culture of Safety Case Study



  1. 1. DUE WEEK 3: Online Topic Presentation 20% or 200 points (Outcomes 1, 2, & 3)

Each student will present a self-selected topic relevant to course outcomes 1, 2 or 3 found above, utilizing a power point format. The Power point (PPT) presentation should be designed to promote peer discussion and provide at least four references other than the course text book. The PPT presentation should be in A.P.A. format. Examples of self-selected topics of interest include infection control, skin care, fall prevention, patient assessments and patient education etc. The self-selected topic should be discussed  within the context of the chosen course outcome as a PPT presentation. The student should use the outcomes as a guide for the self-selected topic. Do not simply describe the concepts in the outcomes but as a guide to help find answer(s) to the self-selected topic.


  1. DUE WEEK 5: Culture of Safety Case Study 30% or 300 points (Outcomes 6 & 7)

Students may work in self-assigned groups (of five people); however, the course instructor may add or change the members if needed to facilitate everyone being in a group.  The group will  choose one topic from the peer presentations, review, analyze and develop a plan for resolution of at least one patient safety issue. The recommendations should be based on standards/guidelines from the American Nurses Association (ANA),Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), guidelines, National Guidelines Clearing House, National Institute for Health (NIH, Center for Disease Control (CDC) or nursing specialty organizations. The paper is to be written in A.P.A. format detailing the review, analysis and plan of the resolution of the presented patient safety issue (10-15 pages, refer to rubric)


  1. DUE WEEK 7:Individual Evidenced-based Planned Change Project 30% or 300 points (Outcomes 3, 4, 5, & 7)


Each student will design an evidenced-based planned change initiative for a nursing practice setting (hospital, home health agency, clinic, public health service organization, or other facility as approved by the couse instructor).You may use a problem from your current or past employment setting; but the paper must be your work with appropriate citations per APA guidelines.

The project components will include:

  1. Identification of a process improvement or patient safety issue;
  2. Performance of a literature search;
  3. Selection of a planned change theory appropriate for the practice environment;
  4. Development of a plan for the evidenced-based planned change;
  5. Implementation of an evidence-based planned change initiative;
  6. Development of measureable objectives and processes to evaluate the implemented change;
  7. Conform to A.P.A. format (including eliminating any grammatical errors) detailing the change process;


  1. Online Discussion Participation 20% or 200 points (Outcomes All) Online discussion will be graded based on the Discussion Rubric. The discussion participation is to be submitted in A.P.A. format. The discussion rubric can be found in the Orientation folder.


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