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Discuss the major difference between clinically focused nursing practice and population-focused practice.

Part One: Do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Research and explain using educational references to support your stance:

A) The American system of health care delivery is the best in the world.

B) People, not the health care system, are responsible for their own health-that is, good health is a matter of responsibility.

C) Primary health care is effectively practiced in the United States- this could be in terms of cost, accessibility, acceptability, and effective illness prevention.

Part Two: Discuss the major difference between clinically focused nursing practice and population-focused practice. Discuss how the nursing process would be used for each type of practice. Provide examples of nursing interventions with each type of practice. For example, if I am trying to promote healthy nutrition in an individual, I might assess their current dietary practices, look at labs, perform a physical assessment, ask about energy levels and feelings of wellness/illness, and then plan interventions to improve their health. If I am instead looking at a community, I might look at access to clean water, availability of fresh produce, organic produce, farmer’s markets, access to adequate food supply, how many fast food restaurants exist, how many supermarkets exist, etc.


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