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Apply marketing communication across a convergent industry

Assessment Task 2: Project: Prepare marketing tools and techniques
Assessment description: In response to a simulated business scenario, you will evaluate marketing tools and prepare a written proposal. You will then develop samples of convergent tools and techniques.
Note: Prepare to implement (or realistically simulate implementation of) tools and techniques in Assessment Task 3.

Assessment Task 3: Portfolio: Apply convergent marketing
Assessment description: In response to a simulated business scenario, you will plan implementation of marketing communication tools. Candidates will engage industry and technical expertise to assist in
implementing tools. Candidates will then pilot the implementation. Finally, candidates will prepare a written reflection on their pilot implementation and networking activities.

BSBMKG417 Apply marketing communication across a convergent industry – Trainers’ Guide LASTUPDATED: April 2018, Version No. 1.0
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Assessment Task 2: Project: Prepare marketing tools and techniques
Submission details
The Assessment Task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.
Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below for details.
You must submit soft copy of your answers in a word document.
Upload the softcopy on the link provided in the eLearning site.
Assessment description
In response to a simulated business scenario, you will evaluate marketing tools and prepare a written proposal. You will then develop samples of convergent tools and techniques.
Note: Prepare to implement (or realistically simulate implementation of) tools and techniques in Assessment Task 3.
1. Read the following scenario.
You represent an agency developing a campaign for a client organisation (agreed with your assessor). You will need to research convergent marketing tools and techniques appropriate to a divergent media environment.
You will prepare a written report to evaluate several potential (traditional and digital) tools and techniques for use in the campaign. In the report, you will make recommendations supported by an analysis of cost effectiveness. Finally, you will prepare samples of convergent marketing tools for review by the client.
2. Meet with your assessor to agree on a suitable workplace or organisation to use as the basis of this task. Discuss potential, realistic campaign scenarios, and to agree on timeframes for completion of this assessment task.
Note: A suitable workplace is a real or simulated workplace in which you have access to relevant information – e.g. marketing plans and strategies, policies and procedures, budgets – that will allow you to sufficiently determine client needs regarding possible campaigns utilising convergent marketing tools and techniques.
BSBMKG417 Apply marketing communication across a convergent industry – Trainers’ Guide LASTUPDATED: April 2018, Version No. 1.0
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3. Undertake research into applicable convergent tools and techniques, including some
from traditional sectors that may be applied to a divergent media environment. Consult
networks and expert advice; review online and print information; review organisational
documents such as marketing plans, marketing audits, past campaigns, marketing
budgets and relevant policies and procedures.
4. Prepare a brief, two- to three-page written report describing several combinations of
convergent tools and techniques.
Ensure you:
a. evaluate their cost-effectiveness using a suitable method of numerical analysis; for
example, cost–benefit analysis, ROI, cost per thousand (CPM), estimated value,
contribution margin, and NPV of investment in media.
b. propose a suite of convergent tools or techniques for use in the campaign based on
the above analysis
c. refer to at least two relevant pieces of legislation, regulations or codes in
connection with organisational policies and procedures, which tools and
techniques will need to comply with
d. refer to any other organisational need or requirement (for example, identified
target markets, budgeting concerns), which tools and techniques will need to
e. reference at least three relevant sources of information.
5. Develop samples or examples of convergent tools and techniques characterised by
messaging that can be engaged by a target group across multiple distribution points:
a. suitable for use within a divergent media environment
b. suitable for use within a customer-centric environment.
Note: For example, you could develop – or develop mock-ups of – a web page or
e-commerce site, QR codes and augmented reality app, Facebook page, social media
strategy, tie-ins, e-mailouts, twitter feed samples of messaging, blogs, content marketing,
banner ads, combinations of traditional and new media (all designed to function
together and facilitate the desired – and cost-effective – customer journey in a divergent
media environment).
6. Submit your samples and your evaluation report to your assessor in an agreed format,
within the agreed timeframe and in accordance with the specifications below.
You must submit:
● an evaluation report
BSBMKG417 Apply marketing communication across a convergent industry – Trainers’ Guide LASTUPDATED: April 2018, Version No. 1.0
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● at least two samples or examples of integrated convergent marketing tools or
Your assessor will be looking for demonstrated evidence of the following foundation skills:
● reading skills to identify and interpret textual information relevant to evaluating tools
and techniques
● writing skills to research, plan and prepare documentation using format and language
appropriate to context, organisational requirements and audience
● numeracy skills to:
○ identify and interpret data from a range of sources
○ use testing and data analysis to weigh cost-effectiveness of options
● workplace navigation skills to review policies and procedures in accordance with
legislative requirements and organisation goals
● work skills for preparing marketing tools and techniques:
○ evaluating options; creating new tools and techniques where appropriate
○ using and manipulating digital technology.

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