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School of Nursing and Midwifery: Assessment presentation requirements

School of Nursing and Midwifery

Assessment presentation requirements

Front page

To include student name and number, assignment title and word count.

Word Limit

Adhere to word limit requirements (within 10%). The word count does not include headings, references page, reference citations and direct quotes.

Reference list

A reference list should be provided on a separate page headed ‘References’ at the end of the assignment


12‐point type size.

Times or Times New Roman.


Double‐line spacing (Do not insert extra lines between paragraphs or the references list entries.)

Page numbers

Page numbers to be provided on all pages except front page. Place page number in the top right hand corner Margins

2.54 cm at the top, bottom, left‐hand, and right‐hand sides of the page.

Paragraph indents

Indent the first line of each paragraph (using the tab key or paragraph tool).

Exceptions: abstract, block quotations, titles and headings, table titles and notes.

Justification of text

All text needs to be aligned to the left, not justified


Your synthesis must contain a purposeful introduction outlining some general background to the topic, an aim and purpose and themes for discussion (approximately 10% of the word limit).

The body of the assignment will constitute about 80% of the word limit and provide key arguments supported by literature. The body of the assignment is normally organised in paragraphs of approximately 150 words with each paragraph focused on explanation of one idea. There should be a logical progression of ideas as demonstrated by logically linked arguments/discussion made in each paragraph. Each paragraph should commence with a topic sentence and end with a link to the next paragraph.

The conclusion paragraph should provide a summation of ideas, draw together the discussion, present no new material (references are not expected in the conclusion paragraph) and offer your position drawn from the discussion (approximately 10% of the word limit).

Academic writing style

The conventions of written English are expected to be followed to ensure clarity of discussion. This includes correct use of grammar, punctuation and spelling as well as the use of appropriate sentence and paragraph structure. It is also expected that word choice will be formal and professional language will be used.

Paraphrasing and direct quotations

Unless really necessary, most assignments do not require the use of direct quotes.  Instead, re‐expression of author arguments (paraphrasing) into your own words is required. Paraphrasing of author arguments/statements must be supported by a reference. If a direct quotation is used, you must explain how it adds to the discussion and provide a reference as per APA Style guide 6

Turnitin (Feedback Studio)

The Turnitin/Feedback Studio is a program that allows you to check whether there is any copied material in your assignment. Checking prior to submission in the dropbox gives you the opportunity to correct any errors. See the following link to Turnitin.

Referencing style

Acknowledge sources and adhere to referencing conventions as per APA Style


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