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The aged care sector in Australia

You should bring a print out of the problems or opportunities you identified
Your report shall be written for engineering colleagues. The tone, language and content should be suitable for this audience.
The report may be written as dot points or paragraphs as long as the information is clear and easily read. Give consideration to the presentation and structure of the report.
As a guide the report should be 4 pages long: one page describing aged care, one page for assistive technology and one page each for the problems or opportunities identified. Brevity is encouraged!
You may include additional information in appendices (e.g. any sketches or examples of existing technology etc.).
Your report should include a cover sheet that includes you name, student number, tutorial number and your tutor’s name. A template can be found below.
You are required to use your judgement in finding information (and use sources in addition to the ones supplied to you). Sources should be Current, Reliable and Relevant, Authoritative and suitable for the Audience, as well as suitable for your Purpose (an acronym you encountered in Engineering Communication).
All sources of information should be referenced correctly using the Harvard UTS style. A guide can be found on the UTS library website (here).
You should bring a print out of the problems or opportunities you identified

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