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Annotated Bibliography: “Reflection, Reflective Practice, Critical Reflection, Reflective Practitioner”

Process: You will search relevant databases and choose four (4) peer reviewed articles on “Reflection, Reflective Practice, Critical Reflection, Reflective Practitioner”. The articles must be from recent, (published in the last ten years) refereed journals. It is recommended that you select articles that relate to your professional area of practice (which for me is Psychology or if counselling is easier, happy to go with that option too). For each of the four articles in the annotated bibliography commence with the full bibliographic reference using the example in the attachment. Note that APA referencing is used. In 800 words (200 words per article – excluding the bibliographic reference) use the following process in your own words as shown in the template:
• the broad aim/scope and a brief outline of the main ideas
• limitations, evidence, applicability to reflections on professional practice
• possible audience, relevance for topic, what the text offers
• In a further 200 words provide a conclusion (synthesis) of the overall findings as you understand them.

**So essentially it’s four articles and there is a 200 word count for each, and then there should be a 5th paragraph, which is the synthesis, which we write drawing the articles together. There is an example in the attachment as well – let me know if you have any questions 🙂

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