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Service Marketing Pitch: Identify a real service organisation that has a problem with one of the 7Ps or how they are evaluated, and then pitch a solution to that problem to the organisation’s board.

AMB340 Pitch
Weighting: 30%
Maximum four minute oral presentation
Your task is to identify a real service organisation that has a problem with one of the 7Ps or
how they are evaluated, and then pitch a solution to that problem to the organisation’s board
(i.e., your tutor and classmates). You will have a maximum of four minutes to (1) succinctly
identify the organisation’s problem, (2) convince the board that you have a potential solution
to this problem, and (3) justify why your solution is optimal in relation to services marketing
Presentations will be conducted in the following weeks on the following topics:
Week 5 Product or positioning (based on the lecture in Week 4)
Week 6 Place or Physical evidence (based on the lecture in Week 5)
Week 8 People (based on the lecture in Week 6)
Week 9 Pricing (based on the lecture in Week 8)
Week 10 Promotion (based on the lecture in Week 9)
Week 11 Process or Productive Capacity & Demand (based on the lecture in
Week 10)
Week 12 Absentee catch-up week (no nominations for this week)
The problem you identify and solve in your pitch must be relevant to the week in which you
are allocated to present.
You will be asked to nominate a week to present. You should either choose a week that
matches the topic you want to discuss (i.e., if you know an organisation that has a problem
with physical evidence, you should nominate to present in Week 6), or choose a week you
would like to present and then identify an appropriate organisation to investigate. A
maximum of five students per week can present.
You may only use one visual aid (e.g., one static slide, a poster, a mock-up of a
servicescape, etc.) during your presentation. You will have 60 seconds to set up this visual
aid (not included in the four minutes for your pitch). Please ensure that it can be accessed
easily and that you could complete your pitch without it if necessary.
You are expected to choose a different service organisation to the one your group is
auditing in later assessment. However, the pitch will give you an opportunity to practice your
analytic skills and receive feedback on your ability to justify your decisions.
¨ Please bring a copy of the marking criteria (complete with your name and student
number filled in) ready for your tutor to mark.
¨ Ensure that you only have one visual aid for your presentation. Visual aids are not
compulsory and may not necessarily result in a better grade.
¨ You will only be allowed four minutes to complete your pitch. Your tutor (or allocated
classmate) will end the pitch at this time, regardless of whether you have finished.
This reflects real-world time constraints and challenges.
¨ Ensure that you support your pitch with services marketing theory (including verbal
¨ If you are unable to pitch during your allocated tutorial, you will be required to apply
to the Unit Coordinator directly for a formal extension with appropriate
documentary evidence. The Unit Coordinator will consider your request and allocate
you an alternate time to present if appropriate.

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