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Before designing a product for a customer, would you visit the customers company to get a deeper understanding of each other and their products?

Q1:Working time (on – the – job time)

选项 回复情况
1 year 3
1-2 years 1
3-5 years 22
5 years 3



Q2:If the company wants to build another design studio, please ranking the following factors that may affect the location decision by the importance you think. (Most important – 1, least important – 5)

  第1位 第2位 第3位 第4位 第5位 平均排名
Close to potential customers. 31.03%    9 24.14%    7 17.24%    5 10.34%    3 17.24%    5 2.59
Convenient for recruiting employees. 48.28%    14 24.14%    7 3.45%     1 17.24%    5 6.90%     2 2.10
Renting, venue and other costs. 10.34%    3 27.59%    8 41.38%    12 6.90%     2 13.79%    4 2.86
tax policy. 10.34%    3 17.24%    5 24.14%    7 24.14%    7 24.14%    7 3.34
Expand the market. 0.00%     0 6.90%     2 13.79%    4 41.38%    12 37.93%    11 4.10



Q3:In addition to the above five factors, do you think there are other influencing factors?

选项 回复情况
YES (Please specified) 3
NO 26



Q4:Before designing a product for a customer, would you visit the customers company to get a deeper understanding of each other and their products?

选项 回复情况
YES 15
NO 10
Will browse the customers website, products or other information. 4



Q5:Which form of communication do you prefer to choose when you have to discuss business issues with your customers?

选项 回复情况
Email 4
Phone calls 11
Skype 6
Face to face meeting 7
Other forms (Please specified) 1



Q6:How often do you have a meeting with the customer when designing a product for them?

选项 回复情况
More than once a week 10
Once a week 10
Only meet at important nodes 8
Never 1



Q7:Do you meet privately with customers to discuss business? (outside normal working hours)

选项 回复情况
YES 17
NO 12



Q8:Is it more important that new hires for the design studio have general design skills or specific experience of the automotive industry?

选项 回复情况
Design skills 10
Experience 19



Q9:Compared with recent graduates and employees with certain experience from companies in the same industry, who do you prefer to work with?

选项 回复情况
Recent graduates 13
Employees with experiences 16



Q10:Do you think the studio needs to be located near the university campus? In order to discover and recruit talents with design talent.

选项 回复情况
YES 16
NO 13



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