1. Whom should you consult with to allocate work?
(3 marks – 1 mark per suggestion)
2. Why is it important to consult with other people when allocating work?
(6 marks – 2 marks per suggestion)
3. What steps would you follow to create and allocate individual objectives?
(6 marks)
4. It is necessary to manage available resources in an efficient and effective
manner. How can you do that? (6 marks – 2 marks per suggestion)
5. Performance Standards:
a. What are your expectations of your employees in terms of:
i. Quantity (2 marks – 1 mark per suggestion)
ii. Quality (2 marks – 1 mark per suggestion)
iii. Code of Conduct (2 marks – 1 mark per suggestion)
b. How would you communicate these expectations?
(2 marks – 1 mark per suggestion)
6. What KPIs would you use? (You can develop KPIs based on your answer to
question 5) (6 marks – 1 mark per suggestion)
7. Think of a risk that any of the 10 stores could face. Complete a risk
assessment using the following table:
Risk Likelihood Impact Mitigation Action
(6 marks)
8. Briefly explain 3 different methods of assessing employees’ performances.
(9 marks – 3 marks per explanation)
9. Complete a performance plan for an employee in any one of the store’s
Key Result Area
Activities SMART objective KPI
(9 marks – 1 marks per suggestion)
10. What topics would you include when training store managers about the new
system? (6 marks – 2 marks per suggestion)
11.How often should performance of employees be measured? (2 marks)
12.How would you monitor and evaluate the new performance management
system? (6 Marks)