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Promote products and services: Create a PowerPoint presentation for the promotional plan created in the Project Task covering the following points: Explain about the Business Market Overview

BSBMKG413 Promote products and services


Assessment # 1 Assessment Type Project Due Date  


Assessment Conditions


This is an assessment that may be worked on in study time and as homework.

Assessment presentation should be completed in a manner that is appropriate to professional business reporting.

All sections and requirements of the assessment task must be included.

Feedback may be sought prior to submission.

Where necessary include forms, pictures, charts etc. may be added as attachments


Student Details


Student Name:                                                 Student ID:



If you receive NYC for your assessment you must make the necessary adjustments and re-submit. Please rename your file with RESUB1 /RESUB2 etc. It is important to do this to distinguish between the old file and the new one with the adjustments


Declaration of Authenticity




The business: Luxury Hotel (5Star 1 ½ hours from Melbourne)

Budget $100,000.00

Your promotional plan needs to be designed so you can provide a business which produces a substantial income as well as allowing them to develop and enjoy a satisfying lifestyle

The main attraction elaborate rose garden/ lake

Assessment Task


You have 2 distinct target groups within your promotional plan:

Couples/and or singles primarily from Melbourne who love the outdoors

Couples in 55-70 age groups who are traveling around VIC/Aust

  1. Business (description of your business)
  2. Market Over view

Customer information/target market (2 distinct target groups)

Market information

Industry information

Product/service information

  1. Business objectives (what are your goals/outcomes you hope to achieve?)
  2. Strategy of your promotional plan
    1. Product pricing
    2. Distribution
    3. Promotion
    4. Advertising
    5. Direct marketing
    6. Online marketing
    7. Events
  1. Budgets (distribution of money must be clearly defined across all resources, activities etc. required for promotional plan)
  2. Schedule for the Activities (GANTT Chart consisting of all activities required to implement promotional plan and a timeline of when each activity will be performed)
  3. Feedback (How are you going to gather feedback? Design a survey and explain how you will gather feedback)

Create a PowerPoint presentation for the promotional plan created in the Project Task covering the following points:

  • Explain about the Business
  • Market Overview
  • Business objectives
  • Strategy of your promotional plan to attract Customers.
  • Budgets
  • Schedule for the Activities
  • Feedback
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