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Teaching communication, language and literacy for a range of diverse learners

Diverse learners for this essay encompass: Culture, Aboriginal English, Bilingualism, Multilingualism, Language Delays and Language Advancement

For this assessment, you will need to:

Examine the contemporary approaches for teaching communication, language and literacy to diverse learners in early childhood settings.
Investigate the inclusive teaching strategies required to support young children’s cultural languages, Aboriginal English, bilingualism, multilingualism, language delays and language advancement.
Discuss the importance of diverse learners on the optimal language learning of all children.

Prefer resource
Fellowes, J. & Oakley, G. (2014). Language, literacy and early childhood education (2nd ed.). Melbourne: Oxford University Press. (pp. 145-154 and pp. 252-246).

Palmer, S., Bayley, R. & Raban, B. (2014). Foundations of early literacy: a balanced approach to language, listening and literacy skills in the early years. (pp. 37-39) Victoria: Teaching Solutions

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