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Discuss some techniques that as the manager you would use in order to ensure an inclusive work culture.

Evaluate Company’s culture for diversity


Now that you have selected your area of diverse concentration, you are now tasked with designing a plan to aid your selected group in one of the following countries:


The new organizational strategic initiative is to expand into the selected country. The executive leadership team has asked you for a report on the diversity area (the one you selected) and the country (selected above) expanding to. The report should address the following questions:

Introduce your diversity area and country
What are some of the challenges your diversity area would face in the country culture you selected?
Are there any ethical or legal implications that protect your diversity area in the selected country?
Discuss some techniques that as the manager you would use in order to ensure an inclusive work culture.
Conclude your diversity report.

Submit your completed assignment by following the directions linked below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.

Important instruction: remember this is part 3 of the last two assignments you did for me.

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