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Select one of the following pieces and write a 400-word musical description and opinion report: Ecco la primavera “Behold Spring” – Francesco Landini

For this paper, select one of the following pieces and write a 400-word musical description and opinion report:

Ecco la primavera “Behold Spring” – Francesco Landini (Links to an external site.)

El Grillo – Josquin Des Prez (Links to an external site.)

Sing Joyfully – William Byrd (Links to an external site.)

In order to be acceptable, your reports must include the following information:

Your name and class (MUL 1110)
The number of the assignment (for example: “Number 4 of 4”) and word count
The source of the music (if online, list URL; if radio, give station name, frequency, and time of broadcast; if a CD give name and track number.
The composer’s name
The title of the piece
The performer(s)
A short, historical background on the piece. This should represent no more than one third of the completed assignment.
The printed source(s) and/or the URLs from which you have obtained the background information (minimum of THREE sources)
Most importantly, the majority of your report should be your opinions and impressions of the piece and the performance. You will not be graded on your musical taste, but rather by how well you express your thoughts. For example, “I hated this concerto” would be an unacceptable comment. “I did not care for the monotonous rhythm and annoying melody” would be acceptable (and intriguing).
Additionally, your opinion papers must meet the following criteria:

Your papers must be turned in via Canvas. They are due by midnight on the due date.
Your five papers must be on music composed by five different composers from five different stylistic periods.
Your finished one-page report should be a minimum of 400 words.(This section of the syllabus has 486 words)

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