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What are the advantages and disadvantages of a wireless network when compared to a wired network in a library environment? What can be done to mitigate the disadvantages?

562 W2 Issues in Information Technology Management in Libraries

Week 02 Reading Assignments

1. Askey, D. (2017, May 18). Finding a Way from the Margins to the Middle: Library Information Technology, Leadership, and Culture. Ithaka S+R
2. Burke, J. (2016). Neal-Schuman library technology companion: a basic guide for library staff. Chapters 5, 6, 8, 10-16. – See kindle cloud reader instructions below
3. Glen, P., & McManus, M. (2013). Geeks & non-geeks: From contraxioms to collaboration in higher education (PDF). EDUCAUSE Review, 48(3), 20-29. Retrieved from http://www.educause.edu/ir/library/pdf/ERM1332.pdf
4. Marcum, D. (2016, March 28). Library Leadership for The Digital Age (PDF). Ithaka S+R.

Writer: There are 2 parts of this order. 1) Prepare a powerpoint for 10 minutes presentation based on the above weekly reading materials and the discussion post is based on the reading materials too. If you want to write one page paper and highlight the points bulletin points. I can use it as the outline of the PPT. 2) Part 2 of the order is the Discussion: after I submit the discussion post, then I have access to the classmates’ posts that I can forward to you to respond (usually just 4-5 sentences). If the classmates post early, I may be able to forward to you earlier as well.
Week 2 Assignment 1: Based on the reading assignments. Come up with a 10 minutes presentation. Summarize and highlight some of the main/key points from the weekly reading and add some real-life stores and experiences.
Leading Class Discussion –
Leading the discussion
◦ from Weekly assignment
◦ from Reading materials
Using Zoom Presentation tools
◦ PowerPoint
◦ Prezi
◦ PowToon

Week 02 Discussion 1: Implementing Technology in a Library Setting

Due: Post your response by end of Day 4, and reply to at least two of your classmates’ posts by end of Day 7. (After I post mine, then I can have access to classmates’ posts and then I can forward to you to get the

Value: 10 points
Grading Category: Weekly Assignments, 20%

1. Explain the differences between a LAN and WAN, Internet and intranet. How are they used by universities and businesses?
2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a wireless network when compared to a wired network in a library environment? What can be done to mitigate the disadvantages? Based on your answers on the previous questions, please provide a scenario for the best deployment of wireless vs wired networks.
3. What technologies in use in libraries do you think are dead or dying? Why would a library continue to support a dying/dead technology? What considerations would you take into consideration when trying to decide whether or not to end support for a technology?
4. Identify four common security problems that affect both desktop computers and mobile devices. What can be done to limit the risk posed by these threats?
5. Watch the short video, Nick Burns: Your Company’s Computer Guy, closed captioning is available. Click “CC” on video when it starts. What is your experience working with IT professionals at your workplace? How about staff members from other back office operations? Do you agree/disagree that IT professionals are more difficult to work with and why?
6. Read the article by Glen and McManus (PDF). What are your strategies in working with colleagues outside your own department / unit?

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