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Brain and Behavior: Describe a teaching activity or activities that involve(s) defining neuron, the structure of neurons, the function, and how neurons communicate with each other and the outside world.

Brain and Behavior

Before completing this post, read over the Brain and Behavior section in the course textbook, with specific attention to neurons. For this post, you are to imagine that you have been invited to visit a high school psychology class. The teacher has asked you to help the class understand some basic concepts from the Brain and Behavior chapter. The class has not yet covered anything about brain and behavior. Your job is to develop a lesson plan to help the students learn the definition of a neuron, the structure of neurons, the function, and how neurons communicate with each other and the outside world. Try to develop creative ways to help the students understand these concepts.

In your post answer the following questions:
Describe a teaching activity or activities that involve(s) defining neuron, the structure of neurons, the function, and how neurons communicate with each other and the outside world. In your description, define neuron, describe the structure of a neurons (including the parts), explain the function, and how they communicate with each other and the outside world.
Design a short assessment (e.g., quiz, writing assignment) to give to students in order to examine whether they understand the concepts.

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