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Explain the concept of learned helplessness. How does it develop?

GED 215 unit 1) Provide a concrete example for each of the following: age-related changes, midlife transition, ageism, and life review.

GED 215 unit 2) Explain the concept of learned helplessness. How does it develop? How do people who have learned to be helpless differ from those who haven’t learned this?

GED 215 unit 3) List and describe five reasons workers suffer from low job satisfaction.

GED 215 unit 4) ​Differentiate the psychoanalytic approach from the behavioral approach to therapy on any four dimensions (e.g., technique, effectiveness, etc.)​

Psychology for Living
Steven J. Kirsh, Karen Grover Duffy, Eastwood Atwater, 2014
ISBN.13: 978-0-205-90902-5

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