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In what ways can HR architecture influence HR strategy in dynamic organisational contexts?

Format: Essay

Topic: “In what ways can HR architecture influence HR strategy in dynamic organisational contexts?”

Resources: (Use these four and add five extra ones)

  • Krausert, A 2017, ’HR differentiation between professional and managerial employees: Broadening an integrating theoretical perspectives’, Human Resource Management Review, Vol. 27, No. 3, pp442-457.
  • Hansen, N, Güttel, W & Swart, J 2019, ’HRM in dynamic environments: Exploitative, exploratory, and ambidextrous HR architectures’, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, Volume 30, Number 4, pp648-679.
  • Marescaux, E, De Winne, S and Sels, L 2013,’HR practices and affective organisational commitment: (when) does HR differentiation pay off?’, Human Resource Management Journal, Vol. 23, No.4, pp329-345.
  • Schmidt J, Pohler D and Willness, C 2018, ’Strategic HR system differentiation between jobs: The effects on firm performance and employee outcomes’, Human Resource Management; 57:65-81.

There is a wide body of academic literature on this topic and you are expected to use your advanced research skills to construct a response that relies on scholarly evidence.

  • Demonstrate an excellent understanding, showing reasoning, self-confidence and originality.
  • Clearly demonstrate a high level of integration of readings and/or alternative perspectives.
  • Logical structure enables a valid and sophisticated development of argument throughout entire essay that is fully convincing.

Talent management is a key factor in this essay.

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