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Write a literary essay based on The Kite Runner.

You are to write a literary essay based on The Kite Runner. You will submit the first draft, receive feedback from your teacher and then submit a final copy. You will have a choice of 3 topics; you must write on one of them.
• Abuse of Power – “Discuss the power dynamics at play in the novel. Who is wielding violence against whom? What lessons does “The Kite Runner” offer about the abuses of power?” *
• Discuss redemption as it relates to The Kite Runner. “Despite the shame and violence depicted in “The Kite Runner,” the ending offers hope and a chance for Amir to “be good again.” What is redemption? Does everyone deserve a chance at it? Or are some acts so vile that they cannot be redeemed?”*
• “The Kite Runner makes tackling sensitive subject matter worthwhile, even vital? Write a defense of The Kite Runner, addressed to parents and school administrators.”*

Your essay should be approximately 750 words long. Remember that a literary essay must refer directly to the piece of literature being discussed and should include quotations to support your points of discussion. You may wish to review the section on using quotations in Process and Practice (pp. 240 – 244) before you write your good copy. Where appropriate, you should use literary terms in your discussion. (ex., you may wish to refer to terms such as archetypes, protagonist, developing character, mood, etc.)

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