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How confident are the parents to immunization of their children?Are you aware of the current penalties put in place for the parent who doesn’t vaccinate their children?


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Vaccination started in 1796 by a doctor called Edward Jenner of England who performed first vaccination in world history (Smith 2011, p 21). Immunization is a safe procedure to prevent children from dangerous diseases such as polio, Tuberculosis and measles.

In this work, we investigate the behavior of Australia parents to the immunization of children; their social belief and what penalties that the government have put in place in case the parents do not vaccinate their student. Also, taking part in investigating the impact of parents in childhood vaccination. In Australia, the surveys were conducted to investigate the parents’ response to how they feel about prevention.


How confident are the parents to immunization of their children?

According to the finding, a more significant portion of the parent is extremely confident with children vaccination as opposed to zero per cent of the population with no sure. This theoretical shows that a good number of feels that immunization of children is essential.

According to the information obtained from the research on finding the disadvantages and advantages of parents vaccinating their children, there are many views and suggestion from different sources. The sources are primary and secondary. On primary data, we have interviews done on a distinct profession in the field of medical (Bryman 2016).

Beginning with the pros of parents vaccinating their children, on information obtained from the first interview with professor Julie Leaks who has been studying social science of vaccination for twenty-two years, prevention helps the immune system to fight diseases. He also argues that vaccines have saved lives of approximately 3 million from conditions such as polio, measles and whooping cough. He goes further to explain the impact of the HPV vaccine, which has saved Australian young women from pre-cancer.

On the other hand, with an interview with an immunization nurse, Gulgina Omer, who has been in the medical field for seven years, explains that advantage of vaccinating children minimizes pandemic illness. Through immunization, some diseases are eradicated; for instance, in 2016, measles was declared eliminated in Australia.


In Australia, about 7% of parents are worried when their children are not fully vaccinated as they are prone to diseases. In this context, a more significant percentage of parents make sure that their children are fully protected. Fully vaccinated children are prevented from illness outbreak.

On the disadvantage side immunization nurse, Gulgina Omer has explained that there are some possible side effects of vaccination such as injection site redness and fever.

In a survey conducted, the result is that 90% of the parents believe that vaccination is essential to their children health.

In concluding this section of the pros and cons of vaccination of children; findings are that few parents are not confident with the immunization of their children. Although there are few cases of side effects of protection, most parents vaccinate their children at their early stages to ensure that their children are safe from preventable illness.



According to Julie Leask, argues on international nature journal of science that some state denies preschool or childcare right to children who are partially or not immunized and don’t have a legal exemption. Vaccination of diseases like measles and other vaccinated diseases are made, the legal requirement to the children, and if the population or certain age does not meet the demand, penalties are imposed on the victims. In some states of Australia, some vaccination is the requirement for the child to given an entry to preschool. Such punishments have reduced the number of parents who refuse to vaccinate their children and also has significantly reduced the population affected by preventable vaccinated diseases.

The table below shows the data collected from interviewing parent whether they know the penalties that exist when they refuse to vaccinate their children.

Are you aware of the current penalties put in place for the parent who doesn’t vaccinate their children?

The interview was done among 15 parents.

Generally, the statistics show that a larger population of 73.33% are aware of the penalties as opposed to 26.67%.

The other common penalties that have increased the number of parents vaccinating their children is the financial penalties (Leask 2012 p. 154). These penalties have triple the number of children being vaccinated as parents fear to pay fines or loss of family assistance payments. The government in Australia have to make awareness of those penalties through media to reach to various parents who ignore the vaccination campaigns. This government intervention has created a trust to the parent who was feeling otherwise about childhood vaccinations. In 1999, parents were to vaccinate their children to be given assessment payment; this strict regulation forced a large proportion of the population to protect their children in Australia. This policy leads to the growth of vaccinated coverage from approximately 80 per cent to above 90 per cent of the people in just three years.

On an interview with immunization nurse, Gulgina Omer, argues that the government regulation “no jab and no play” is a policy that exists when any child is not vaccinated on time by the age; which affect child support payment. But if the child has some complication that his/ her immune system is reacting to a certain immunization drug, he/ she does not have to be immunized; else all is mandatory to be vaccinated.



The below graph shows the parents responding to the types of sentences they consider to be put in place to those parents who don’t immunize their children.

On the above graph, more significant percentages of the parents consider unvaccinated children except for the childcare with 53.33%. During this investigation, the findings are that the stricter the policy the increase, the larger the number of parents vaccinating their children (Ropeik 2013). To enhance campaigns for vaccination in Australia, more delicate and tight regulation for immunization which ought to be put in action. The faster the control, the more parents vaccinate their children (Hussain 2018). These policies will make more children safer after being treated. When the vaccination of children increases, children mortality will reduce.

The survey was done to show the importance of the penalties to be enforced.

The above results show that by imposing strict penalties, other children will be safe, children vaccinated will be safe and also unvaccinated individuals will be safe.


Bryman, A., 2016. Social research methods. Oxford university press.

Hussain, A., Ali, S., Ahmed, M. and Hussain, S., 2018. The Anti-vaccination movement: A regression in modern medicine. Cureus10(7).

Leask, J., Kinnersley, P., Jackson, C., Cheater, F., Bedford, H. and Rowles, G., 2012. Communicating with parents about vaccination: a framework for health professionals. BMC pediatrics12(1), p.154.

Ropeik, D., 2013. How society should respond to the risk of vaccine rejection. Human vaccines & immunotherapeutics9(8), pp.1815-1818.

Smith, K.A., 2011. Edward jenner and the small pox vaccine. Frontiers in immunology2, p.21.

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