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Discuss the quality assurance principles in project management in organizations offering products and services such as VoIP Integration.

MPM357 Project Performance and Quality Assurance

VOIP Integration

September 6, 2019

Plan Quality Management Week 1: Project Outline

This paper will discuss the quality assurance principles in project management in organizations offering products and services such as VoIP Integration under the following sub-topics;

  • Readiness for Quality management
  • Quality systems analysis
  • Quality dimensions and criteria
  • Quality process improvement tools and techniques
  • Quality performance monitoring and control
  • Role of management
  • Quality performance communication plan

The overall project deliverables

Project deliverables are components that define the objectives by analyzing inputs utilized, processes followed, and the expected outcomes of the project (Eskerod & Jepsen, 2016). Organizations may fail to establish precise requirements of satisfying the end-user of the product and services, presence of insufficient resources and inadequate monitoring and control of tasks. They lead to failures in meeting the project standards and expectations. As such, this project incorporated inputs, processes, and outputs that propelled it towards the successive outcomes.


Plan Quality Management Week 1: Organizational Readiness for Quality Management

Organization readiness is an element of quality project management that reveals the interactions between processes, people, systems, and the measurement of performances in organizations dealing with the VoIP integration services. In this case, ready organizations subject people and processes to coordinate efforts and tasks and as well provide feedback on changes to the stakeholders and shareholders. As time elapses, various changes in companies are experienced (Haffar et al., 2019). Therefore, readiness assists stakeholders to embrace and accept change. It also aids workers in adapting and learning new tactics used in transforming organizations from low to high levels of success. Still, Kamaruzzaman (2016) elaborates that readiness mitigates anxieties, resistance, and confusion experienced when new technological ideas are incorporated into the project. Therefore, preparedness is a significant tool of project management as far as the VoIP integration is concerned.

The quality systems employed by organizations today

Several systems are used by project managers in organizations to increase the readiness and quality of performances. However, the management must conduct a thorough evaluation procedure that identifies the gaps and weaknesses in the projects to incorporate the most appropriate quality systems that can minimize the risks and increase the rates of success (Haque, TitiAmayah, & Liu, 2016). Some problems include struggling, faulty execution plans, pressure on the workforces, and low employee motivation. Some of the tools used include the Six Sigma, Plan-Do-Check-Act Cycle, and the value stream mapping.

Firstly, the Values Stream Mapping (VSM) increase the dissemination of relevant knowledge such as that of transforming the information extensive and local area networks over the internet in the VoIP Integration companies, among others. As such, this system enhances further thinking that propels vast success achievements through productive collaborations and communication within the departments of the organizations. Another significant advantage of this system is improved collaboration and productivity in any teams in the mapping of performance activities. However, Tyagi et al. (2015) argue that groups can gather information relevant to the project scope as well as defining the objectives despite using sophisticated metrics and mapping software provided by VSM.

Secondly, the Plan-Do-Check-Act Cycle is a system used in the continuous improvement processes during the monitoring and control phases of project development. The project managers use the system to establish and test the hypothesis of the study derived from the objectives. As its name suggests, the systems shed light in planning, doing, and checking procedures. In preparation, the management can identify plans and opportunities while the doing part emphasizes on strategies execution procedures (Morgan & Stewart, 2017). The checking stage entails analyzing data to yield outcomes used in measuring the success of a project.

Finally, the Six Sigma system elicits tools utilized by organizations in improving the ability of output generation in businesses. It promotes performance and as well as mitigates the various processes of the project that increase profits quality and the morale of employees. The Six Sigma system is characterized by defining, measuring, analyzing, improving, and controlling the project plan and objectives to enhance quality outputs (Chen, Fan, Xiong, & Zhang, 2017).

Plan Quality Management Week 1:  Quality Systems Analysis


Analyzing the quality systems used in quality management of organizations, strength, and weaknesses well as advantages and disadvantages are observable. As such, the benefits of using the Six Sigma system in VoIP integration is to enhance success, increase value, provide additional learning, and minimize wastage. Success is enhanced through the creation of more spheres of operation and increment of stock values, sales, and intensification of customer satisfaction. The value increases the quality of output generated at the end of the project. On the other hand, the disadvantages of using the Six Sigma methodology include complications, difficulties in the implementation process, and the increase in production costs (Muralidharan, 2015). Challenges in implementation are characterized by full employment participation and limitations of its application in large business enterprises. Complications are elicited by vast empirical and statistical data that creates variances during analysis.

On the other hand, the Plan-Do-Check-Act Cycle also contains constraints and advantages in organizations. At one end, the system is deemed as powerful and simple in solving recurring and new problems in the processes, departments, and the industry. Still, it allows the team to test new solutions to changes identified in the implementation process that reduces the wastage of resources in the project. The PDCA also instills continuous improvements and commitments as well as productivity and efficiencies. The analysis of the procedure associates it with disadvantages such as slow implantation processes that is inappropriate in rectifying emergencies and urgent issues (Pietrzak, & Paliszkiewicz, 2015). The system also offers insufficient chances for innovations.

In this project, the combination of the Plan-Do-Check-Act Cycle and the Six Sigma systems was more significant because the advantages exceeded the disadvantages at the end of the project. As demonstrated, both systems facilitate an increase in the rates of success as well as the minimization of risks. Still, the two methodologies measure, improve, control, and minimize variations. Hence, it impacts the maximization of profits, which is the main aim of the VoIP integration activities in the company.

Perform Quality Management Week 2:  Quality Dimensions and Criteria

According to Kant & Jaiswal (2017) the goal of introducing any new product in an environment where processes, people and systems interact to ensure that the set objectives are achieved and that the consumers of the product are satisfied and can be able to give better output. Concerning VoIP, quality, as discussed before, will ensure that all the expected communication services will be satisfactory in terms of the needs and the gaps it is required to fill. Various dimensions can be used to determine and measure the quality of an operation or a product. These include; performance, features, reliability, conform, durability, serviceability, aesthetics, and perception (Kant & Jaiswal, 2017).

All these factors are used during quality assurance to measure and determine the exact level of user satisfaction through compiling the various aspects bringing up the stated elements. The main aim of this section’s discussion is to look at the multiple facets of quality, mentioning out the actual performance, and checking if the needs of the consumers or the users are satisfied. The various aspects of measure are as well identified as per the quality dimensions on the products.

Quality Dimension Description of what it is in terms of project Criteria of measure Meet or Exceeds Criteria (yes or No)
Performance Various metrics determine the performance of VoIP across a particular network. These include (Morgan, S. D., & Stewart, 2017);

Latency: In VoIP, data in the form of sound is transmitted across a network from one point to the other. To ensure that there is proper Value Stream Mapping (VSM) in the entire setup, VoIP latency must be considered.

Jitters: This determines VoIP latency over the time taken. This specific aspect is used to check the VoIP performance in terms of the transmission of data over some time. It is an aspect of VoIP performance that is used to measure the efficiency of data communication over a connected network.

Packets reaching the destination: Packet loss is a common problem in VoIP, and thus better performance is obtained by ensuring that communication over VoIP losses as fewer packets as possible.



To determine a certain quality of the VoIP services, it is therefore essential that the criteria of measure are defined. The following are the criteria of the standard, determining the best performance.

Proper latency in VoIP is measured in terms of the speed and overlapping of sound being transmitted under the PI. During the implementation phase, internal network latency should be kept below 150ms to avoid overlapping of the sound.

It is complicated to detach any problem in voice calls over VoIP since most VoIP solutions use packet buffers to replace the same amount of jitter. While ensuring the quality of VoIP, the level of internal network jitter of less than 100ms.

Quality VoIP network is ensured by establishing network connectivity with as minimum packet loss as possible. 1% VoIP packet loss can noticeably interfere with most real-time protocol (RTP) codecs. Proper and best-performing connectivity thus should have the least packet loss (Morgangr & Stewart, 2017)


Features These all the added capabilities and characteristics that make the performance of VoIP even better. Below are some of the quality features of VoIP that can be added during the integration process;

Call baring which allows a third person or party to be included in a two-way communication thus able to contribute. Call transfer and call queueing are other futuristic aspects that ensure the quality of a properly integrated VoIP system. Caller ID and Call screening used for identification and control of the phone are as well the aspects that make up a proper and quality VoIP integration (Kant & Jaiswal, 2017).


In terms of added characteristics on the VoIP, the following will be the unit of measure ensuring the quality output of the services. Under this section, a quality VoIP integration is done by ensuring that the phones have the following capabilities and characteristics. The ability of the phones to display caller ID and to give the user call screening, call baring and call transfer, as well as request queueing, are used to measure the quality in terms of the accomplishment of such characters. These features make the user capabilities much easy as he or she can be able to control the calls over VoIP.  
Reliability Since VoIP as a communication channel mainly depends on wall power, foremost security is obtained by having several sources of energy and electricity, for example, having Ups as power and electricity backup. VoIP also becomes more reliable when established under a strong network with high bandwidth to ensure that no packets are lost, and performance is achieved with the products. Reliability of VoIP is ensured by installing several power backup resources to ensure a continuous flow of electricity is one of the primary measures of the authenticity of a VoIP integration process. Power UPS and other secondary sources of power are integrated. High bandwidth will improve the reliability of VoIP integration since it will do away with performance shortcomings like latency, packet loss, and jitters.  
Conformance When coming up with an infrastructure where VoIP integration needs to be laid upon, the initial internet and networking layout are used to determine the manner with which the VoIP infrastructure is put. Conformity is determined when there is ease in meeting the currently established design and standards. VoIP integration should not affect or interfere with the original layout plan and infrastructure in terms of the current standards, and therefore, proper compatibility is ensured towards meeting the conformance of the initial support and operability.  
Durability While integrating or establishing VoIP systems, the infrastructure used include the most common networking facilities like ethernet and other networking cables, hubs, and routers. When the best quality of these facilities is used at their initial integration stage, the durability will be ensured. The initial VoIP integration process determines a lot when it comes to the durability of the entire layout. This is determined by the quality of materials and facilities used to carry out the integration process. The use of quality materials like LAN and ethernet cables, hubs, and routers ensure proper durability with less continuous maintenance required.  
Serviceability VoIP integration entails proper maintenance and service provision, ensuring that the users continue getting the best quality services from the products. It is easy to carry out continuous software and hardware maintenance for both the various equipment interconnected to form the system as well as the software. When well intergraded at the initial stage, there will be few service requests from the users. The durability of the infrastructure laid to ensure VoIP integration determines the rate of service request and the serviceability of the entire infrastructure. The main criteria of measure here thus are provided if it is easy to perform a continuous hardware and software maintenance on the infrastructure and ensuring that service can be done and there is ease of replacement in case of breakdown.  
Aesthetics There are various technologies of VoIP, giving the users a wide range of brands to choose from. This brings forth a massive range of style and models to select from regarding the entire organization where the VoIP integration is being done. When Integrating VoIP, the variety of these models should be brought forth to ensure that the style of the phones, for example, meets the aesthetics of the entire organization.  
Perception Influenced by the aesthetics, the users or consumers of the VoIP services might be amazed and accept the products depending on the impression and opinion the gather from the physical observation of the products, for instance, the phones Aesthetics thus matters a lot when trying to win a positive perception of the consumers in terms of durability and beauty Captivating VoIP integration facilities and equipment should be availed and be put in place to ensure that positive impression is obtained.  

 Perform Quality Management Week 3:  Quality Process Improvement Tools and Techniques.

Control Quality Week 4:  Quality Performance Monitoring and Contr

Control Quality Week 5:  Role of Management

Control Quality Week 5:  Quality Performance Communication Plan


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