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The text outlines a variety of approaches (perspectives) to understanding psychological disorders. Which of these approaches seems to be the most valuable to explaining child psychopathology?

DBA 1: Theories and Causes (Ch. 2)
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The text outlines a variety of approaches (perspectives) to understanding psychological disorders. Which of these approaches seems to be the most valuable to explaining child psychopathology? Which is the least useful? Please explain your answers in detail to support your choices.

NB: Please note that a minimum of 500 words is required for the initial response to the discussion question).

Discussion postings will be graded on a 10 points scale for each DBA:

10 points: Initial posting and responses to at least two classmates (unless stated otherwise) by due date and of excellent quality (6 points for initial post, and 4 points for counter-responses):

Raise a number of points from the readings in your answers (shows you have read the readings),
Explain the points in your own words and in an analytical way (shows you comprehend the material),
Support the points with appropriate examples such as scientific sources, and provide citations and references (shows ability to integrate and synthesize material).
9 points: All the criteria above is met but missing citations and references

6- 8 points: Most of the criteria met but needs more explanations for the points

3 – 5 points: Only minimal points raised but lacks explanations and support from the readings

2 – 3 points: Discussion question not answered properly to meet the criteria, and/or one of the responses is conducted slightly late (late by not more than an hour)

1-2 points: Only the counter-response has relevant information, and still not well explained and supported

0 points: The initial response and/or the counter-response not completed by the due date. (NB: If a student has a justifiable reason for not completing a part of the DBA on time, the student should contact the instructor before the DBA is graded)

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