Asylum Seekers
Write a 1200 word critical reflection in essay format. The word limit does not include references. This task is worth 25% of the overall unit grade and you should refer to the marking rubric before you start planning and writing your essay.
In writing your essay you should:
- Identify the key issue in the case and provide some background information (e.g. historical context, contemporary views).
- Conduct some research and investigate and describe alternative perspectives on the issue (e.g. social attitudes, changing viewpoints).
- Based on your research present an argument justifying your view on the issue.
Essay structure
Your paper should have the standard essay structure of introduction, body and conclusion followed by a references section with at least five (5) academic references. In-text citations and end-of-text references should be in APA Style.
The Library Links page of this site provides links to the many resources provided by the Library to make sure you adopt the APA style correctly, in all of your academic writing at ECU.
Your academic references must be retrieved from the ECU library database, using ECU Worldsearch.
- Document type: Microsoft Word document
- Font type: Times New Roman or Arial
- Font size: 12 pt
- Line spacing: double-spaced
Your essay must be written in an appropriate academic style, and with attention paid to grammar, punctuation and spelling. Visit the Academic Skills Centre link for resources and tips on academic writing.