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Limitations of Gross Domestic Product (GDP): Khan Academy

After watching the Limitations of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) (Links to an external site.)video from Khan Academy, continue to Practice: Limitations of GDP. (Links to an external site.)

Answer the 4 questions.
You will receive immediate feedback from Khan Academy (formative assessment).
When you have completed the 4 questions, make your initial post for Discussion 6.
(You must make your initial post before you will see other student postings.)


Select one of the questions you answered and discuss the following:

List 2 pieces of information you previously did not know.

Identify how the question clarified information.

Provide a personal example.


The Discussion must be at least one paragraph of 200 words.
And, Reply to 2 of your peers.
Press <—Reply (below) to begin your Initial Post. (You will also press <—Reply to respond to peer posts).
Use the rubricPreview the document to guide your discussion and reply.
Follow the due dates. For full credit make your initial post by end of day Wednesday and replies by end of day Friday – make your initial post with enough time so classmates can reply.



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