Several topics and groups have been reviewed regarding the criminal justice system and the potential for help from a helping professional.
Choose a topic or matter discussed during this term and propose how a team of helping professionals can carry out helping the group or help tackle the problem chosen.
Some examples to choose from- CJ involved Women, CJ involved Children, Families of the incarcerated, Public Health and CJ involved persons, Restorative Justice Practices, Disproportionality, Addictions & Mental Health, Treatment Courts, Re-Entry Programming
The following guidelines are provided: Your proposal must include the following information and sections: Background on the group or topic being addressed.
Explanation of type of help (such as a program, counseling group, services, advocacy group, campaign) being proposed. Be creative! Really think about what you’d want to do as a helping professional to address the issue you highlight.
Details on the specific criminal justice group or population that will be served. Potential ethical and legal issues and how they will be addressed. General goals, objectives, and purposes of what’s being proposed.
Discussion on how what’s being proposed will be evaluated to determine that the proposed goals and objectives will be met.
Details on why helping professionals such as social workers, human service workers, and rehabilitation counselors should lead and carry out what’s being proposed.